Catching Up With a Debutante


Catching Up with a Debutante


Deb always used to waddle just

a little bit,

   well more like a duck actually ..

I thought it was

very sexy though and I fancied

   the pants off her ..

I guess it was something to do

with the way she

wore her blue nurses uniform,

   cut long, but tight ..

Later, I found out it was to do

with her hips,

which were each sharp as brand

   new razor blades ..

Deb had dark hair and pale skin

and was thin as a

rake beautiful, which of course

was all the rage,

back in those days, oh’ and I do

think she was Irish

but she never let on and carried

   no accent about her ..

Her boyfriend had some kind

of problem tho’

   unable to walk without sticks ..

Oh’ my word,

how I did hate him and just for

the record Deb once

left her charm bracelet behind

on my bed where

she knew I would find it when

   she returned home ..

Now I do seem to recall, I once

thought and I hoped

she would be back to collect it

one day, but she

never did though and think I may

   still have it somewhere ..

Nevertheless and regardless I am

sure the last time

I saw her she was still waddling

but slowly along

High Street and with twins in an

   old push buggy ..

I do not suspect, for one moment

   she caught sight of me ..


  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 6th, 2024 03:34
  • Comment from author about the poem: this is a very true account of a long time ago
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • sorenbarrett

    Neville how tightly you weave your story with the rhythm of each breath. Such a human tale it speaks to passion, and that whimsical nostalgia that plagues all of our minds at times, It bleeds a feel of humanity and personal history. Lovely

    • Neville

      lovely is far too generous but I'll take it and happily .. thank you

    • arqios

      Brought me back to the memories of my first ever crushes. Those were the days!

      • Neville

        Those days of incomparable yore .. and indeed of mine .. terrific ..

      • Tony36

        Excellent write Nevilie

        • Neville

          Terrific T .. N

          • Tony36

            You're welcome Neville

          • orchidee

            Good write N. Is KP Irish? Dunno - I hardly see her in person - mainly in papers, magazines, on TV, etc, etc!

            • Neville

              … cheers 🍷

            • Cheeky Missy

              Curiosity killed the proverbial cat, but her seeming profession having been my 2nd choice, now I recall that's how my one great uncle met my since great aunt. So, guess it's more useful than I'd realized. That aside, this is excellently rendered with a haunting poignancy and fascinating imagery. Thank you for sharing.

              • Neville

                You are far too kind Matron .. bless your little cotton socks .. Neville

              • Doggerel Dave

                I thought it was more of a sway, actually.. Must have been last Thursday I sighted old buggy yet...

                • Neville

                  There were a few occasions when I tried to kid myself it was akin to a sway .. but nope, take my word for it .. it was one hell of a waddle & I couldn't get enough of it ..

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Waddle - sway - the image remains.

                  • Thad Wilk

                    Wow! 😧
                    An awesome poem and
                    account of long ago my friend!! 👍
                    Enjoyed this story
                    from beginning to end!!💯
                    Best regards ✌️ Thad

                    • Neville

                      ... Cheers🍷

                    • Goldfinch60

                      It is just one of those things that happen in life Neville, we meet many people who we would like to get to know better but it never happens.


                      • Neville

                        Now aint that a fact ..

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