I do return sometimes... occasionally...
We will build a community the politicians said;
So they did – towering glass structures as they forged ahead.
And they were to be lovely of this there would be no doubt,
(Shining phallic symbols – critics proclaimed they were about!).
People were to live in them if they could stump up the price;
To find the place affordable was not a fall of the dice:
Wealth and income played a large part - choosing parents with care.
Life in the big city - you’re deluded if you think it fair. .
Purchase was not the end of it - some towers were jerry built.
Building defect information of course was rarely spilt –
Few property owners volunteered to be the hero;
Their investment resale value would have gone to zero.
Sometimes air conditioning came through a crack in the wall,
Though the air was very fresh atop a building that tall.
Garbage chute problems meant waste disposal was not so neat -
An alternative option could be something of a feat.
What about community you might at this late stage ask:
There’s a scandal here awaiting someone to unmask:
For we’re talking Sydney here mate – get your banner unfurled,
This city has the second highest property prices in the world.
Doggerel Dave (Pseudonym) (
- Published: November 20th, 2024 00:22
- Comment from author about the poem: I live here – in a cupboard (no sympathy, no pity) where I’m very comfortable and happy - as I have been for more than 20 years. But this is not so for all of the over 5 million inhabitants of Sydney.
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 37
- Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
bravo - you have captured the essence of high rise living not only in Sydney, but any metropolis in the world. every word rings true, your keen insight has captured the woes that come with such property
Thanks for that, Nafisa - I don't think it is a good way to live at all.
yes, i agree with you 100% -
i keep asking my husband to leave the high rise, and settle down in a bungalow with a garden and peaceful surroundings, in one of the hill stations; but he is too enamored of city life, so my bucket list has one item that may not be realized.
but then, in compensation, i have new caring close friends around me since we shifted back to mumbai, so maybe that's a big plus indeed
enjoy your life in Sydney - it will surely be having its perks..take care
You are of course right for me - I'm anchored here and enjoying life...for others, particularly the young in a private rental situation... I feel another poem coming on...but perhaps it is they that should do the shouting...
why wait for them, go ahead and pour out your feelings/views - most welcome, will look forward to reading it
have a beautiful productive day
You just rammed home the fact that 1) the grass is not always greener on the other side 2) not to believe everything in the glossy brochures, on tv .. advertising etc etc 3) the rich get richer often on the back of the less well off gullibility, misery and expense 4) not much is fair when it comes to making big money .. 5) shoddy workmanship is the kitemark of the 21st century 6) and lots of other things besides I could go on, but 7) duty calls .. N🐧🖤👍
Yeh I think I'd go with 1) to 10).... oh - you stopped .exhausted at 6) or 7).... well perhaps it's for me to go on and bore the pants off others here (boredom alert)...👍
Good words Dave, many years ago I worked for a council and we had three high rise blocks of flats, they eventually decided to bring one down and the one they chose all the people were happy in it and had a wonderful cameraderie within it, there was another one they could have blown up with all the people in it and people would have cheered.
Andy, thanks for your specific contribution. You bought up an old memory - many moons ago for a period in my chequered life I lived on the sixth floor of a Council estate (Ferrier Estate SE London - you will find an account of it on the web, I think) Much history there....
High rise flats. A bloomin curse and where I live they are going up everywhere. Houses being knocked down to be replaced by monsters. We have a massive housing shortage exasperated by exploding population and uncontrolled immigration and governments that have done sodall about it. Homes have soared to unaffordable levels and the future is bleak for young people. This is turning into a rant ain’t it? I better stop there, but you get my drift Dave? I’m sure you do. And don’t get me going on the subject of councils not repairing social housing. That’s there too. Happy days.
Well that got you going, didn't it Cassie? You sure you don't live in Sydney?...Go on, you wouldn't tell me if you did - too worried I might turn up for a cup of tea....
Lived there for 7 years! Another 6 in Tokyo. Same deal. Reminds me of tenements, council estate and ghetto living. HongKong was totally on another level as I suspect Sao Paolo is. But we do e eventually find our community.yes, it is about the place but another look reminds us that it’s more about those we surround ourselves with. No judgments just observations.
Observations worthy of everyone's time, Rik - also brings up an interesting point for me - The claim that Sydney is the second most expensive property market in the world - it is beaten, so the claim goes, by Hong Kong. Any further thoughts or observations?
It’s an ongoing contest of sorts. The global market and economies probably influence this quite a bit, as well. I’d agree that Sydney is still up there in cost of living. But we do make up for it in various ways as well. But that’s just me.
Cramped spaces pouring increasing populations. Gross is great government says, but then they harvest the taxes of the masses. Overbill don’t worry about water supply or traffic. That’ll take care of itself after they are out of office. Poignant poem, Dave.
But oh how the money rolls in, rolls in, rolls in.... Growth - we gotta grow.. Growth is good....You've ripped open the putrid underbelly of it all, Soren. Many thanks.
I have never lived in a high rise, but I have been at the top of one laying down steel for a roof. As close to high rise living as I want to get! Well done in painting the reality versus the BS, and of course, the cost that comes with city living. I live close to NYC, and that is certainly no cheap city to live in. Well done, my friend! 🌹👏
Thanks for that, Tristan - if you can avoid it, do.
NYC - good place to spend a fortnight in summer....
You're welcome! ☺️ Indeed it is.
Hey Tristan; thanks for the return. I'm never one to miss a quick self promotional move, so cop this one:
Great write
Cheers mate.
You're welcome
Well said, Dave. Good morals and good busuness rarely mix.
Got that one, Jerry.
Not surprising. One place my family lived the corn field across the street was sold and turned into a housing settlement. Some of my brothers went over after hours to check out the progress and etc. They returned with horror tales of the scandalous happenings, yet the community thus sprung up seemed fine once all was built. One would wonder why it's so pricey to live in a pretty trash heap, but perhaps that's the answer: it's an artistic trash pile. Charming and excellently rendered with lovely imagery in your characteristic style and sense of humor, the painful poignancy haunting. Thank you for sharing.
Fine, Missy. They block the sun in winter. In summer? I have a feeling in my water that climate change ain't going to be kind....
Thanks for the read.
I AGREE totally! 💯
I hate the big city life
Country living is
where I wanna be! 🍺🤠
Thanks for sharing I
enjoyed this immensely,!!
Best regards ✌️ peace. Thad
No easy answer though is there, Thad.
City has resources the country does not have – from internet speeds, comprehensive medical services, cheaper goods especially food. Small country towns can be very claustrophobic – everyone knows everyone else and you wrong foot a key member (as I am more than likely to do!) and the whole town is agin yer…
Wow! How dare someone break the taboo and question affordability and urbanization?? On top of that how dare someone likens the tower of pride to phalic symbol? But the vilest act was in "choosing parents with care" ... too many problems indeed 😇🤐😞
A great piece loved it 💯
I don't believe in angels, but should they exist and are hanging around somewhere fearful of treading on something, then I'd gladly do it for 'em.......
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