Return Readiness


Tune: Merton

('Hark, a herald - or thrilling - voice is sounding')

Matthew 24 v.36-44


Are we ready, have we here heard

Of the Lord and in His word

Of His return, though no one know

When it shall be He shall show


God the Father He knows only

When return of Christ shall be

But shall be as in Noah's days

Mankind continue their ways


Eating, drinking, and marrying

Till flood disaster did bring

And took them all away, so shall

Christ's return be, time shall tell


One shall be taken, and one left

One saved, and one left bereft

Watch, therefore, for you know not when

The Lord's hour shall come then


If one knew when a thief would come

One would watch, protect their home

And so the thief would not ruin

The home, take nothing therein


So be ready as one who home

Guards, for Christ he shall come sure

At an hour that you think not

Preparedness be your lot

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 1st, 2024 03:23
  • Comment from author about the poem: An Advent theme hymn-poem in
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 28
  • Users favorite of this poem: Tristan Robert Lange
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  • Michael Edwards

    Fine work as ever Orchi - Miss Berles approves.

    • orchidee

      Thanks M. I have to fit the (Cilla) Berles to the lines.

    • orchidee

      God is outside of time, though it's said 'With Him a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day'. So in one way there are only 2 days passed since He has not returned: 2 days = 2,000 years.

    • sorenbarrett

      I am familiar with this passage. And it should be taken to heart in regard to all things. Being prepared was the Boy Scout motto and is good advice to any person. Very nicely written.

      • orchidee

        Thanks SB.

      • arqios

        The organ blares but to me it has a calming effect, in the semi-darkness on the pews, I am ready. Having been suckled and weaned in traditional services has provided somewhere to go back to when life and the world does their own blaring. Keep on keeping on Stevo!

        • orchidee

          Thanks A.

        • Thomas W Case


          • orchidee

            Thanks T.

          • Neville

            It seems like you are on a bit of a roll Stevie boy .. write on .. 😎👍

            • orchidee

              Thanks N.

            • Tony36


              • orchidee

                Thanks T.

                • Tony36

                  You're welcome

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  Another wonderful hymn! Happy first Sunday of Advent, Orchi!!! I HOPE you have a good day! As for the hymn…🌹👏

                • Goldfinch60

                  Good words Orchi.

                  • orchidee

                    Thanks Gold.

                  • Cassie58

                    Spiritual wisdom in this write Orchi. Always best to be prepared for the unplanned. Well composed. Have a happy Monday.

                    • orchidee

                      Thanks Cassie.

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