It Took Years

Thomas W Case

Many years
ago, I went to
this little
Irish bar.
On Sunday nights,
there was a jazz band.
They played
and the Duke.

I drank gallons of
bloody marys on
those hot
summer nights.
Dill pickle spears, and
green olives came up
later on those
hungover, dreamless

I was young.
I wasted the days,
lying in the sun,
bayonetted by youth.
Copper colored skin,
tin soul.
I would go thousands
of miles, chasing
that train, before I
would be forgiven.

  • Author: Thomas W Case (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: December 11th, 2024 21:59
  • Comment from author about the poem: I read poetry from my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems on my you tube channel.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 74
  • Users favorite of this poem: Alan R, Cheeky Missy, Teddy.15
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  • Doggerel Dave

    You thought you knew it all and that it would never end.... the 'wisdom' of youth richly portrayed here Thomas.

  • Thad Wilk

    Great read,
    strong feelings and
    message!! 👍
    Glad you didn't
    wait till it was too late! 😀
    To be forgiven...
    Thanks for sharing much enjoyed!!!
    Best regards ✌️ peace Thad

  • Neville

    Those who have not yet travelled along that road have not yet truly lived .. expertly poemed maestro .. Neville

  • Teddy.15

    I don't see the waste though you were young and and having fun. Experience helps us understand and grow. A wonderful piece that makes me go back to mine. I used to go to an Irish bar to drown in live Irish music and Budweisers best nights ever. 🌹

    • Thomas W Case

      Lol. Thank you, sweet Teddy.

    • Goldfinch60

      Going to those bars in my younger days was part of my life back then Thomas.


    • orchidee

      Good write Tom.

    • Poetic Licence

      A really good read, a journey we have all suffered a long, such is youth

    • sorenbarrett

      It feels as though I have been there And it feels dry. I love when I can feel poetry.

    • arqios

      It's really kind of a long and winding road, isn't it; life's journey.

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Wonderful job Thomas. “Bayonetted by youth”. Indeed, that one is going to stick with me! 🌹👏 Well done, friend!

    • Tom Dylan

      A great write. I could almost hear the jazz music. And love the last lines.

    • Cassie58

      Those Irish bars are in a class of their own. I just travelled back to Dublin in my mind’s eye. Great read Thomas.

    • NafisaSB

      youth is meant to be enjoyed, so even if some time is wasted, and you make up for this later, i suppose all is forgiven - and a life was well lived

    • jarcher54

      I recall a soccer player who went broke after a very successful career, on being asked what he did with his millions, replied "Most of it I spent on wine and women, the rest I wasted." Did you really waste those days? (-:

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