read to your satisfaction


Notice of absence from arqios
🕊 🙏🏻🕊️

Take that bold step up to my words

linger until they have had their fill

each party imbuing the other

overflowing with the permeate of life.

Read to your satisfaction, but read:

free your mind upon these winged lines

and read to your absolute satisfaction!


Immerse yourself in a tapestry of thoughts

each thread revealing a new pattern

weaving complexity into your consciousness.

Let the current of insight pull you in

drawing you away from the mundane

into a river of boundless meaning.


Traverse the maze of ideas

where every turn unveils a fresh perspective

a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.

Navigate the halls of contemplation

guided by curiosity’s compass

unlocking gates to new realms of understanding.


Engage in the dance of words and emotions

each movement in sync with your heartbeat

a rhythm resonating deep within your soul.
Feel the surge of inspiration flood through you

sparks flying into vivid, living art

thoughts transformed into creations.


Let the symphony of language embrace you

each note striking a resonant chord

a blend of intellect and passion.

Allow the harmonies of wisdom

and insight to echo in your mind

filling the silence with profound resonance.

Yes, step up to my words, boldly

linger until they have had their fill

each party imbuing the other

overflowing with the essence of life.
Read to your satisfaction, but read:

free your mind upon these winged lines

and read to your absolute satisfaction!







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Comments +


  • sorenbarrett

    Agreed it is in reading that we broaden our minds and too few people now days read at all. Books have become a past time to gather dust. Sad.

    • arqios

      Thanks Soren. 🙏🏻 I too have become slack on my reading list. Sometimes even too tired to listen to my audiobooks. Shame , really. 😅

    • rin

      Everyone thinks that poets are expressionless when they write poetry, but there are probably emotions in their souls. It will serve as a guidepost to help you reach the creativity deep within the maze.

      • arqios

        That is so nice to hear rin, so glad that you mentioned that. Sometimes it seems there are several emotional layers for varied personal reasons. Thank you ever so kindly. 🙏🏻

      • Cassie58

        Reading opens up new worlds for exploration. Lose yourself in a book of poetry. Let all your senses carry you as you travel in another’s words. Let your emotions run wild and free. Be inspired and reach for the sky. You’ll never be lonely with a book. Enjoyed my visit here arqios.

        • arqios

          Hey Cassie! Now that’s a formula to a successful use of time, that and those jaunts in nature. Have an excellent day 🙏🏻🕊

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          A wonderful expression. Agreed. Whatever one! 🌹👏 That said, I just saw your away notice. My condolences, arqios, on the loss of your cousin. What sad news indeed. My prayers are with you, your family, and anyone who was friends with her. I am not sure if you will be traveling there but, if so, safe travels my dear friend! 🙏❤️‍🩹

          • arqios

            Thanks Tristan. That is most appreciated. I find more and more that every grieving is unique. And this is quite shaking in a strange way, perhaps because we grew up together even if we haven’t t seen each other for decades. We are no stranger to death and loss but it somehow manages to feel like that first time again. Loving 5he comment: “whatever one does read!” Reminds me of my dad’s stacks and stacks of Illustrated Classics which were like Barnes Notes or Cliffs Notes to me… I wouldn’t have grown into reading 300-a thousand +/- pages if I hadn’t cut my teeth on those!

          • Poetic Licence

            Reading is a companion but also a learning tool which we really need in these times, we would then understand the need to patiant, Tolerant, Understanding and kind to all.
            I am sorry to read of the passing off your cousin, and offer my sincere condolences to you and your family.

            • arqios

              Many thanks 🙏🏻 the days are tough in a different way. But support like yours does make the heaviness lighter. So thank you, again. You are much appreciated 🕊

              • Poetic Licence

                You are so very welcome

              • David Wakeling

                Wow this is what I'm talkin' 'bout. I hope you don't mind me calling this a masterpiece. Sad certianly and angry in places but filled with magical advice. Well done

                • arqios

                  That last line of your much welcome and well received comment hits the spot! There is room and place for ‘angry’ in art and expression without having to be destructive, inappropriate or hostile! That’s really made my day 🙏🏻🕊👍🏻 Thanks DWa!🙏🏻

                • Goldfinch60

                  Wonderful words arqios and so very true, I have been reading all my life and still do every day.

                  So sorry to hear about your sadness at this time. My thoughts are with you.


                  • arqios

                    Thanks Andy 🙏🏻🕊 it’s good not to feel alone at a times like this. You are well and truly appreciated 🙏🏻🕊

                  • Kevin Hulme

                    As Emily Dickinson said, ‘There is no frigate like a book to take us lands away’.
                    Your words became a bit ‘Hypnotic’ as I went along, telling me ‘Read a Book’.
                    Which is one of my Loves.
                    Just finished ‘A Christmas Carol’, I like to read it every December .
                    A unique way to express Reading in a Poem. Nice One.

                    • arqios

                      Yes Dickens and Dickinson, library staples! And definitely reread worthy 🙏🏻👍🏻🕊️

                      • Kevin Hulme

                        As Tiny Tim said, ‘God bless us, every one, except the Taxman’.

                        • arqios

                          🤩 Classic!👍🏻

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