Barely Visible Indentations


Barely Visible Indentations


They were always

such delicate

and pretty little


that I could never

quite get

my head around,

nor fully

understand why

she ever

tried to hide them

in the first place ..

After all,

they served only

to mark

briefly the site

where her panties

had once been ..

And then,

leaving behind

them faint

ribbon like criss


undulations which

reminded me so


of old fashioned


pink and blue

forget me not’s ..

Those which,

I once used to trace

with my

fingertips and my


and the edges

of my thumb nails


spooning into you

for the night ..

Each of us warmed,

feeling so safe

and perfectly sated ..



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  • orchidee

    Good write N. Meanwhile - you know I'm gonna say summat like this - If I see any of KP's indentations it only makes me swoon, in me sheltered life! lol.

    • Neville

      Thanks for making a little dent in an otherwise as yet virgin page .. Neville

    • sorenbarrett

      Being coy is a very attractive attribute as is being bashful and shy. Errotic and tasteful all in one. Glad your back

      • Neville

        Cheers mate .. I'm glad to be back .. Neville

      • Poetic Licence

        A bit racy to get the morning going, hope you had a good break, enjoyed the read

        • Neville

          Cheers my friend .. the break could have been better but thanks for the read .. Neville

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome

          • Cheeky Missy

            Nothing like as hot and steamy as a fresh pile of pancakes for breakfast, la! How you dish up and serve like the master chef such verbal delicacies it'd be no wonder iffen we were taken out to the doctor next. Superbly rendered with exquisite imagery and a vibrant poignancy. Thank you for sharing. Welcome Back!

            • Neville

              Bless you today and all days Missy .. if you can do blueberry & cream (I mean the real stuff thick, dubble or clotted) then I'll be write over with my fork n spoon .. Neville

              • Cheeky Missy

                Ooh! Clotted cream, the British specialty which when sold here also seem to carry the label Devonshire-- what fun and what a luxury that'd be, if only! My late mother who died 9 years ago this morning enjoyed clotted cream on biscuits with afternoon tea many years ago. We two girls enjoyed it so much she Googled how to make it yourself, and the recipe noted you could just slather it directly on your thighs since that's where it was headed. What a fun suggestion yours is! How I'd love to do so!!

              • arqios

                Sometimes when the lighting is just so, they even look like henna tattoos fading. 🙏🏻👍🏻🕊

                • Neville

                  Indeed, I am familiar with said light and the henna effect too .. Thanks for the nudge, I really needed that .. Neville

                  • arqios

                    Nudge. Nudge… 👍🏻🕊️

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    Yay! Welcome back! I was just thinking about you and it looks that in doing so, I've manifested one of your poems! Woohoo!!! Hope your vacay went well! As for the poem, wonderful write, as always my friend. Sensual, intimate and a pure joy to read! Again, welcome back! ❤️🙏

                    • Neville

                      Thanks & Big time my friend .. those words of yours have gone down a real treat this very cold Sunday early mane .. It is a lot colder here than the Med .. vacation could have been a whole lot beer as me & my gang all came down with the flu & big time .. Now absolutely exhausted .. still, good to be back .. Neville

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Oh no!!! That sucks! So sorry to hear that Neville. That ol’ Murphy and his dang law wreaking havoc again! As for the weather, yeah…I can imagine the Med is the better place this time of year. I know it very much is from where I live in Eastern PA. Anywho, glad you are back and on the mend! Sounds like you owe yourselves another med trip sometime!

                      • Bella Shepard

                        The subtle sensuality of this poem is quite provocative, and alluring. You've chosen your words well my friend, but then you always do.

                        • Neville

                          and you my very dear Bella have again left a smile on this old fella's face .. thank you most kindly and oh' so true .. Neville 😎

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Fine words Neville, such fond memories.


                          • Neville

                            Thanking you kindly Andy .. Neville

                          • NafisaSB

                            sensual, erotic, what more can i say

                            • Neville

                              No need, that'll do nicely, cheers .. Neville

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