~> Frankenstein! - Form Acrostic -

Thad Wilk

Fear not my bride I think they're

   only here for Trick or Treat.

Relax take a valium you're pale

   as a ghosts white sheet.

A little patience don't get all 

   upset my sweet!

Now sit by yonder fireplace so

   they don't notice you are dead.

K eep a low profile my dear and

   do exactly what I said.

Everything will be OK, I'll see

   what they want at the front door.

N ever fear I am here to protect 

   those "body parts" I so adore!

S uch an evil bunch they seem to be

   and your arms they feel like ice!

T hey'll scare you to death and you've

   already died that I know of, twice.

E ach and every Halloween we go

   through the same ole shit.

I know ignorance is bliss but this

   harassment never seems to quit?

N ow they're lighting "torches" that's it;

   I fear my dear, we had better SPLIT! ~





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  • Poetic Licence

    Just Brilliant, love it

    • Thad Wilk

      Hii Tobani!! πŸ‘‹ 🀠
      Happy you enjoyed
      this Acrostic poem!! 🀩
      Great hearing from ya!!
      Have a grrrrr8
      weekend my friend!! ✌️ Thad
      Best regards ✌️ Thad

      • Poetic Licence

        You are very welcome

      • Tharun_

        Too good !!!

      • sorenbarrett

        A fun read and well put togeather just like the monster stiched with care

        • Thad Wilk

          Hii ya Soren!! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š
          Thank you bro!!
          Always love your
          unique comments!! 🀩
          Y'all have a great weekend!
          Best regards ✌️ Thad

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Fun write, Thad! Simply brilliant! I happen to have the Boris Karloff''s version of the monster tattooed on me. One of my fave novels, one of my fave films. This, therefore, falls under one of my fave poetic takes (not that I've seen many). Well done, my friend! πŸ§ŒπŸŒΉπŸ‘

          • Thad Wilk

            Howdy Tristan!! πŸ‘‹ 🀠
            Thank you my friend! ☺️
            Happy you got
            a chuckle or two!! 🀣✌️
            Best regards ✌️ Thad

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              You are welcome, Thad! β€οΈπŸ™

            • ᴷᡉᢻᡉˣˣᡉ

              Hahahahhahahahaaahaah Nice

              • Thad Wilk

                Haaaahhahahaaa! πŸ‘‹ πŸ’€βœŒοΈ
                Thank you poetess!!
                Keep a smiling!! ☺️
                Best wishes πŸ€πŸ€—πŸŒΉ Thad

              • arqios

                Now that’s a fun read! And I imagine so as well to the tune of the Addams Family theme tune. 😁

                • Thad Wilk

                  Hii Arqios! πŸ‘‹ πŸ‘Ώ
                  Thank you
                  my friend, glad I
                  could bring you
                  a chuckle or two! πŸ’€πŸ€£
                  Best regards ✌️ Thad

                  • arqios

                    Thoroughly enjoyed, friend! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠοΈ

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Wonderful fun write Thad.


                    "LOOK OUT! HE'S BEHIND YOU!!"

                    • Thad Wilk

                      Hii ya Andy!! πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Š
                      A cool warning thank you!!
                      I'll be looking behind me 😳
                      you better too! 😱
                      Best regards ✌️ Thad

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