

 The varnish has worn away from where my foot steps fell
In life's battle for grace I have wounded her too deeply 
Savage scars mar what once was infant skin
Time only retraces its steps, in the mind
where it travels as hands of a clock
always returning to where it begins
Here love, now myth comes to die
in its perpetual whirlwind of circling vultures
Its bones picked by fouls of carrion
Stench of once sweet, now rotting meat
draws me near the drone of flies
that suck the marrow out of seductive hunger for all but scavengers
Now but shadows cast
they too shall fade as memory's remains, swept by sun
into piles of darkness await broom's bristled rays
to clear away caressing cobwebs, the kiss of night

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Comments +


  • arqios

    In some real ways wounds don’t ever go away. Some things are hard to put to words but then have to be voiced out.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks Cryptic for the read and comment. It is true that some leave scars some reopen and some are terminal appreciate the comment friend

      • arqios

        And yes, the healing also allows us to move on 🀠

      • Neville

        I think healed or not, they are here to stay and should serve as a reminder of what is and once was .. it simply doesn't do to forget .. such great poetry makes one both wonder and think .. Neville

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you Neville for your read and most kind words of comfort and support. Scars may fade but never dissappear just as shadows fade with night but remain under the moon.

        • David Wakeling

          This certainly packs a punch. There is a lot of anger here and hurt that hasn't healed.It is very troubling.Well written indeed

          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks David yes anger and pain are part of life to be eaten just as vegtables for a balanced diet. Life is not just sugar it rots the teeth

          • Cassie58

            A somber write. There are wounds that scratch the surface and then there are those that carve deep into the flesh leaving scars. Some amazing description here. The scars may never heal and act as a reminder of what has been and gone. Brilliantly conveyed sorenbarrett.

            • sorenbarrett

              Thank you so much Cassie for your read and insightful words. I appreciate your support.

            • Bella Shepard

              We do indeed own our histories, and sometimes the most difficult part is to embrace the mistakes of the past, for the negative often seem more powerful than the positive in retrospect. This is a beautiful poem of self reflection, incredibly versed.

              • sorenbarrett

                Thank you dear Bella your words of support are so important and valued.

              • orchidee

                Good write SB.

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thank you so much Orchi it is most appreciated

                • Thomas W Case


                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you Thomas it is appreciated

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    Different wounds lead to different outcomes. The most minor are not even noticeable over time; however, the larger the wound, the longer the healing time, and the less likely they will go away, whether they end up healing as scars or become festering wounds that can lead to serious illness and death. Well done, my friend. This is thought-provoking, for sure. And completely visceral imagery. This poem is felt more than it is read. Wonderful job! πŸ‘πŸŒΉ

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you Tristan for you understanding interpretation and support it is valued

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        You are welcome, my friend! β€οΈπŸ™

                      • NinjaGirl

                        no matter how deep the wound, it will always scar. scars may hurt occasionally, but they remind us of the power we had to heal

                        • sorenbarrett

                          A most positive interpretation. Thanks so much Ninja for the read and supportive words they are always appreciated

                          • NinjaGirl

                            of course

                          • Thad Wilk

                            A powerful poem,
                            Poignant and heart wrenching! 😒
                            I can feel the pain and loss
                            between each skillfully
                            expressed poetic line!!! πŸ‘
                            My pleasure to read indeed!
                            Best regards ✌️ Thad

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thanks Thad for the read and kind words they are always appreciated

                            • Dan Williams

                              Nothing new under the sun, time is indeed circular "always returning to where it begins". Rings of edgar Poe. Very nice.

                              • sorenbarrett

                                So true words of Ecclesiastes there. Could be Poe, always liked his verse. Thanks so much for the read

                              • Goldfinch60

                                Very good words soren, sometimes those memories are hard to let go but remember there is always a better day tomorrow.


                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Thanks Andy so true we never know what tomorrow holds for us. Stay positive my friend

                                • Teddy.15

                                  My dear sorrenbarret, this is immensely powerful I can see all your imagery and even smell the meat. Your title is especially meaningful to the emotions in this most gracious poem. 🌹

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    You are too kind my friend. Thank you for your most gracious remarks as always they are cherished

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