Real Fake Beauty

Poetic Licence

Fake Real Beauty.


I get talking in my local pub to a friendly woman

Somehow, I cannot help noticing all the additions.

The skin layered in this thick bright orange glow

 Inches of foundation, so all the spots don’t show


Both eyebrows tattooed in a dark half-moon shape

Nails so long if you scratched your skin would great

Hair extensions that do not match her natural hair

Injected lips so if she smiled her mouth would tear


Bosoms pumped so large she would float in the sea

Fake tan covering every bit of skin that you can see

I looked on, I tried to work out what all this is about

What is she hiding, she does not want to come out.


It is clear to me; this is the way she wants to be seen

And she certainly believes she is every man’s dream

Nothing of her is genuine, I quickly offer my excuses

I leave her sitting there as she uploads more photos


Maybe one day she will realise and start to believe

 its what's inside where you will find the real beauty.



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  • David Wakeling

    Wonderful poem well-constructed with an important message.Enjoyable

    • Poetic Licence

      Thank you for your feedback, very much appreciated

    • arqios

      Yup, seen her often enough… and at all ages as well. Good message too! πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ»

      • Poetic Licence

        Thank you for your feedback, very much appreciated

      • sorenbarrett

        A wonderful and powerful message set in great metaphor all too real. I too have asked why what we are is never good enough. Why do we want to be someone else? Is it possible that someone else wants to be us? Poor self esteem runs rampant.

        • Poetic Licence

          Thank you for your feedback, very much appreciated

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Wonderful poem. Society paints an image for everyone to aspire to live up to and, then, tragically so many buy into it and spend their lives trying to live up to an unrealistic image. Years of anxiety, eating disorders, expensive procedures, hours of makeup prep...and for what? Oh, and we men fall into it too, just differently. This poem's message is so important and you are right, true beauty comes from within. Well done. πŸŒΉπŸ‘

          • Poetic Licence

            Thank you for your feedback, enjoy the rest off your day

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              You're welcome. Thank you. You too!

            • Tony36

              Great write

              • Poetic Licence

                Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated

                • Tony36

                  You're welcome

                • Neville

                  I have been contemplating this very same phenomenon for quite some time.. you have done good and far better than the draft scribble I have now consigned to the wast bin … Neville

                • Neville

                  I have been contemplating this very same phenomenon for quite some time.. you have done good and far better than the draft scribble I have now consigned to the wast bin … Neville

                  • Poetic Licence

                    Thank you for your positive feedback, always appreciated

                  • Thomas W Case


                    • Poetic Licence

                      Thank you for your feedback, Have a great weekend

                    • Tom Dylan

                      Good point well made. A fine write.

                      • Poetic Licence

                        Thank you for your feedback, have a great weekend

                      • Skally

                        Beautiful poem. Than you for sharing ! Well done πŸ™‚

                        • Poetic Licence

                          Thank you for your feedback, very much appreciated

                        • Cheeky Missy

                          You half wonder when she'll finally comprehend that the exterior trimmings don't truly add the beauty she imagined. Then again, there's the Kardashians who admit they wear cosmetics to hide themselves, as my close friend does likewise, where, crazily enough, I literally cannot tolerate my face if it's hidden by cosmetics. You could ask my friend if you wondered, since she had no sooner complimented me to high heaven over the "French girl" style of making up the face (which my late mother had carefully trained me to do), but I shortly washed my face clean, unable to tolerate my face thus "hidden," or as I termed it, no longer my own face. You also remind me of a discussion on this topic years ago with one of my brothers who was disappointed when I listed off the multitudinous means my sex uses to "enhance" itself, or rather, attempt to deceive the opposite. Enough of that, however. Beautifully rendered with awesome imagery and a tastefully haunting poignancy. Thank you very much for sharing.

                          • Poetic Licence

                            Thank you for your feedback, have a great weekend

                          • John Prophet

                            So true. Nice work.

                            • Poetic Licence

                              Thank you for your feedback, have a great weekend

                            • Salvia.S

                              A poignant and thought provoking poem. Well written!

                              • Poetic Licence

                                Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated

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