Taking Poetry Back

Tom Dylan

Notice of absence from Tom Dylan
Sorry if there is a delay in responses. Sometimes life gets in the way. As John Lennon said, life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

I decided to put myself out there,

to break up the awful January gloom,

I went along to the spoken word poetry night,

climbing the stairs to this little room,


where gathered fellow poets and scribes,

who all took turns to read from their books,

I listened and waited for my name to be called

but it turned out I had been overlooked.


I headed for home, absolutely raging

done with poets, poems and pen,

annoyed with all of them and myself,

vowing never to come here again.


Back home, I mentioned to my parents

that I was giving up writing poems and rhyme,

my dad said I don’t bloody think so,

my mum said that it would be a crime.


My folks succeeded in talking me round.

They encouraged, persuaded, cajoled.

I went to bed that evening a poet

for life, with no chance of parole.


This is me taking poetry back

and making it a thing of my own,

I’m staking my claim on poetry

but I’ll be reading and writing at home.

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  • Cheeky Missy

    Hahaha! You're way too fun with this, you know. My la! There's nothing quite as good as, "Welcome to reality," is there? That's literally how all these poetry events, gatherings, etc. are. Winners aren't chosen based on excellence, but who cares anyway? I merely wanted to enjoy face to face what I'd enjoyed hanging out on poetry sites online for years. Oh! But you've rendered it too excellently, I declare, what with good humor, superbly freighted and haunting poignancy and exquisitely perfect imagery. I love, love, LOVE this! Thank you for sharing.

    • Tom Dylan

      Thanks so much, Missy. Really appreciate your comments. I was missed off a poetry night, and was chunnering to my parents. That inspired this poem. So, I'm sticking with poetry but from the safety and comfort of my armchair from now on. And with my friends on here, of course. πŸ™‚ Thanks again!

    • Poetic Licence

      Over looked on a list again, not much luck. I have never been to that sort of gathering as somehow i feel it would be too clique for me, i prefer your option of the freedom of writing at home. Enjoyed the read.

      • Tom Dylan

        Yes you are so right, more about the cliques and social groups than the poetry. Definitely be a home-based bard from now on. πŸ™‚ Thanks for your comments.

        • Poetic Licence

          You are very welcome, have a great weekend

        • sorenbarrett

          Why is it that when we are mad at others we take it out on ourselves? A good write that we all can idenify with.

          • Tom Dylan

            Thanks so much for your comments, Soren. Really appreciated. Cheers, Tom.

          • Mutley Ravishes

            "Who gives a @?>$ about a goddamn poetry night?
            Who gives a "$%! about what they like?!"

            • Tom Dylan

              Spot on, Mutley. Stuff the lot of them! Thanks for your comments, mate.

            • Thomas W Case

              That has happened to me too. You don't need them. Great work.

              • Tom Dylan

                Thanks for your comments, brother. Really appreciated. I wont be bothering with any spoken word nights again. I will be sticking with my friends on MPS from now on.

              • Tony36

                Excellent write Tom

                • Tom Dylan

                  Thanks so much, man. Really appreciated.

                  • Tony36

                    You're welcome

                  • Goldfinch60

                    You will never stop writing Tom, it is ingrained within you as it is in me.


                    • Tom Dylan

                      Spot on, Andy. I will be focusing more on the poetry, and less on the poetry evenings from now on. Thanks so much for your comments. Really appreciated.

                    • arqios

                      Poetry as a thing of our own! Now that’s something to strive for and fight for πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

                      • Tom Dylan

                        Exactly! Lets take this back and make it our own!

                        • arqios

                          Let’s go!

                        • Neville

                          Life is an unpredictable predicament .. Say thanks to your folks from me .. Now go well and write on .. Neville πŸ‘

                          • Tom Dylan

                            Thanks so much, Neville. Really appreciate the encouragement. Write on! πŸ™‚ Have a good weekend, mate.

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            Oh no. This is not making me feel so confident about going out and reengaging in the spoken word. If I do, hopefully, I will find a more respectful crowd. Yikes. Well done on the poem! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

                            • Tom Dylan

                              Yes, I have had my fingers burned unfortunately. I will be putting myself out-there online from now on. Thanks so much for your comments. Really appreciated.

                            • Cassie58

                              You can be a poet wherever you want to. Always best where you feel welcome and most comfortable. Don’t let one bad experience out you off Tom. Have a good weekend.

                              • Tom Dylan

                                I love that attitude! I can be a poet whenever I want to. Love that. Thanks as always for your comments, Cassie. Happy Monday to you.

                              • Soman Ragavan

                                β€œwith no chance of parole...” How beautifully put ! Poetry is a tribunal and a judge...
                                Poetry is overwhelming, the poet becomes its slave. You did not go to bed as a poet. You were one since a long time back. The poet is a slave of poetry, with no chance of breaking free from the chains. Soman Ragavan.

                                • Simurgh

                                  So rightly said Mr. Ragavan, we poets many a times get slaves to our poetry!
                                  Beautiful comment with very nice way of your words.
                                  I find you are a great poet, Mr. Ragavan!

                                  And Tom continue to write your wonderful, heart touching poems...

                                  With regards,

                                • Simurgh

                                  I loved your poem Tom , it was not just heart touching but a reflection which is enticing as well!
                                  The poem has a good humourous side, with poignancy, and a nice taste!

                                  Don't care about poetry sites, or magazines that are silly, you have a wonderful mind for poetry.

                                  In my opinion, you are a born poet and meant for poetry as well; just get going !!
                                  Someday in near future you will be one of the best poet of the world!

                                  But here in MPS, you will be always appreciated and celebrated for your soul touching, humourous and beautiful poems; whether you want to carry on to write poetry or you don't want to.

                                  You are a very funny and lovely guy who loves playing with words gifting us the best of your poems!

                                  Continue to write poetry in your eagle course dear!!
                                  You made me emotional with your poem ❀️ 😭😍
                                  as recently in 2024 I l was first seleted to share my poem titled 'life' for the Litfiesta competition arranged by the Amity University, India which was the among the top 25 poems after the selection from the 100 best poems of West Bengal a state of India ,
                                  but on the very day of selecting first, second and third they only selected first, second as to their institutions student only and third as another private university called Techno India University's student.

                                  What a disgusting way of providing prizes to their institutions students only!!
                                  I was left awestruck, and sad as I had a high hope that my poetry will be selected among the top 3 places. I rebuked myself later, asking my mind "why did I went their so far from my house just to get my poem not even a certificate ( determined to get 1st prize there )??"

                                  From that day I told myself not to write poetry for the publisers and just for prizes, but to write poems for my passion and happiness; only as a nice, comfy leisure that pleasures me as always from the day I started writing poems!!

                                  So Tom, don't be sad and never think of to quite writing poems!! They are always for the poets pleasure and passion...

                                  Be passionate and gift us more such marvellous poems to us, your friends in the my poetic side here!! Get your pleasure and comfort through your beautiful poems, dear friend...

                                  Stay committed to more of your poetic journey, ( "Journey to the centre of the Earth " by Jules Verne) just joking, lol πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜† and not only just the journey meant for prizes!!
                                  Hope to read more of your poems in the coming days!

                                  With love,
                                  A poetic bard from India!

                                  • Tom Dylan

                                    Thanks so much for your kind words. Really appreciated.

                                    • Simurgh

                                      You are most welcome, Tom! Hope to read more of your poems in the coming days...

                                      Thank you for commenting so nice a message to me! You are always appreciated by us for your wonderful poems.

                                      Enjoy a nice day ahead!
                                      With regards,
                                      A poetic bard from India

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