Night visitor


Ghost moth what message do you bring
carried from night on haunted white wing?
Notice from a spirit lost, searching for a place to rest
Past love long departed forgotten but still possessed
A sheet of paper falling out of night shade trees
circling, dropping, lolling on gypsy breeze
Born on breath of darkness, carried by mystery's wind
Night's shadow a black grave for past days sinned
Cracked casket of day emits a flash of white
A phantom flies as a spectre in darkest midnight  

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  • orchidee

    A fine write SB.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you so much Orchi it is appreciated

    • Salvia.S


      • sorenbarrett

        Thank you so much for the read and kind word

      • arqios

        Like the feel of this poem! 👍🏻🙏🏻🕊

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you Cryptic your support is most valued

          • arqios

            You are most welcome Soren 👍🏻🙏🏻🕊

          • Cassie58

            A haunting. Superb description and chilling. Very well written sorenbarrett.

            • sorenbarrett

              Thanks Cassie for the read and most kind words of support they are as always appreciated

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              First, I might not have much company joining me on this, but I love moths. No, I don't love them in my closet, but I always love seeing them, and when they land, I love to observe them. That aside, this is quite the chilling piece and quite the metaphor. Well done, my friend. 🌹👏

              • sorenbarrett

                Thanks Tristan for your read and comment your supportive words are most gladly recieved

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  You are welcome, Soren.

                • Teddy.15

                  Goosebumps, when my mother died a giant beast that must have been la moth flew into my home and flew up the stairs into my attic, I was completely terrified. The weird thing was it had never happened before and has never happened again, nor had I ever seen such in Italy, a chance meeting or a sign? I know the answer already. Your rhyming is superb and so is your Imagery. 🌹

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you so much Teddy for the read and comment. Yea there are many things that we still don't understand. Your remarks are always appreciated

                  • Neville

                    this is the second time in a relatively very short space of time you have penned a poem that contains subject matter and associated imagery (in this case, a white moth) that I have been working on .. and although you may see it differently, I think it a bit spooky .. I also think this is better than the one I have just deleted .. if it happens again, I shall have to get my house exorcised .. Neville

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you Neville this one was sponed while I was working on a poem late one night. As I closed the front door a large white moth that had come from the forest flew and alighted on the door. Thank you so much for the read and most flattering words. They are appreciated.

                    • David Wakeling

                      Memories of past love can haunt the mind .Well constructed poem. Enjoyed the style

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thank you so much David your read and comment mean a great deal.

                      • Tony36

                        Excellent write

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thank you so much Tony your read and comment is most appreciated

                          • Tony36

                            You're welcome

                          • GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

                            Love this very much

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thank you so much your comment is appreciated

                            • Thomas W Case

                              Powerful imagery. Excellent work.

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thank you Thomas your words are valued as always.

                              • Dan Williams

                                A breath of darkness, mysteries' wind? This is brilliant. I can't help but wonder if you have ever been published, and if not, why? Such fine imagery. Bravo!

                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Thank you so much Dan you humble me with your most gracious praise. No just a humble student of the art with too much to learn yet.

                                • Goldfinch60

                                  That phantom may be bringing love and joy to you soren.


                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thank you so much Andy for that most positive thought we will hope so. Your words of encouragement are always welcome and cherrished

                                  • Firefall

                                    Wow! Powerful words. This poem is meant to speak aloud.

                                    • sorenbarrett

                                      Thanks so much for your review and kind comments they are highly valued

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