I Say Your Name


there will be no mourning 

only gratitude for memories 

placed with flora in glass vases 

cream tea roses and pink carnations 

while on the mantle there will be 

white candles scented 

effusing bouquets of jasmine love 


my mind will carry my heart 

in thought flight to the west country

where the tides embrace Anstey’s Cove 

and kiss the feet of Thatcher’s rock 

wild water washing away 

the last days of suffering and leaving 

images of you smiling and waving 

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  • arqios

    That is a beautiful celebration of life and love, their name is bright like the sun and moon 🙏🏻🕊

    • Cassie58

      Thank you kindly arqios for your encouraging review. Very much appreciated.

      • arqios

        Your welcome Cassie 🙏🏻🕊

      • sorenbarrett

        There are feelings of pain but also nostalgia and the bitter sweet feeling of past love and loss here. A feeling of melancholy pervades. Beautiful

        • Cassie58

          Thank you so much sorenbarrett for your thoughts. There is pain, but no more mourning. I mourned my mum before she died. It was a long and drawn out demise sadly.

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          No mourning indeed. Mine is still alive and well, but I can imagine the pain and loss experienced by losing one's parents. A most poignant and heartfelt poem, dear poet! Well done! 🌹👏

          • Cassie58

            Dear Tristen, the loss of parents is an unbearable sorrow, that I can attest to. Although I still feel pain at the loss of my mum, which happened three years ago, I prefer to celebrate her life, for the wonderful person she was. Thank you kindly for your lovely thoughts. All good wishes.

          • Teddy.15

            So very beautiful. 🌹

            • Cassie58

              Dear Teddy, thank you so very much. Hope you have had a good Monday. 🌹💜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

            • orchidee

              A sensitive write Cassie.
              Meanwhile - in my daft moments - you can say my name. It's Joe Bloggs! lol.

              • Cassie58

                Joe Bloggs, I thank you for stopping by. 😂

                • orchidee


                • Tony36


                  • Cassie58

                    Many thanks Tony. I appreciate you.

                    • Tony36

                      You're welcome

                    • Thomas W Case

                      Tender and beautiful.

                      • Cassie58

                        Thank you Thomas for stopping by. I appreciate your thoughts.

                      • Dan Williams

                        So pretty, so sad. Your descriptive skills are just amazing. Very nice.

                        • Cassie58

                          Thank you kindly Dan for your generous review. All the best.

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Beautiful tribute to your mum Cassie.


                          • Cassie58

                            Thank you so much Andy for your kind thoughts.

                          • sorenbarrett

                            Celebrating all that is of worth. A most lovely write

                            • Cassie58

                              Yes celebrating the wonderful person she was. Thank you so much for your valued thoughts sorenbarrett.

                            • Cheeky Missy

                              Only the third anniversary, la! I'm so sorry. Yet, how exquisitely gorgeous this memento to your beloved late mother is, how laden to the hilt with delicate imagery and a fragile poignancy which half seems to threaten the tears may spill over the brim. Thank you so very much for sharing. [Mine and my best friend at that, has been gone now these 9 long years.]

                              • Cassie58

                                Thank you so much Missy. Mum had a long drawn out demise. My mourning started years ago. Now though is the time to celebrate the wonderful person she was. Of course, she is very much missed. So sad about your own mum Missy.

                              • Tom Dylan

                                You had me at the first line, Cassie. A powerful piece. The emotion rings through so clearly.

                                • Cassie58

                                  Thank you so much Tom. Your thoughts always very much appreciated.

                                • Caring dove

                                  Sad but a lovely writing Cassie .. nice way with words

                                  • Cassie58

                                    Thank you so much Caring dove for your lovely review.

                                  • jim56

                                    this poem is so beautiful and touching
                                    pulls the heart strings a lovely tribute
                                    words are amazing as always
                                    you are reallly talented writer jim xx

                                    • Cassie58

                                      Thank you so much Jim for your lovely words. So kind of you. Have a good day. Cold here today.

                                    • Alan R

                                      Touching!! Very eloquent.

                                      • Cassie58

                                        Thank you so much Alan. Have a good weekend.

                                      • Simurgh

                                        Respected Cassie, this is Simurgh here, stopping by your beautiful poem: ' I Say Your Name ' ( Just like 'Stopping By The Woods' by Robert Frost--- the great poet). Just joking, lol! 😆
                                        It is a wonderful celebration of life and love! The poem beautifully reminisces the sweet past love.
                                        It might be a nostalgia to many, to recall their past love who passed away early.
                                        Just like I remember my late father; who left me alone, in this earthly song rather.
                                        Anyways I loved your poem a lot! ❤️

                                        • Cassie58

                                          Dear Simurgh thank you so much for your thoughts. I am delighted that this poem meant something to you. So kind are you wuth your praise. Have a great weekend.

                                          • Simurgh

                                            Dear Cassie, you are most welcome for reading and commenting on my poem so nicely.
                                            I want to read more of your poems, just continue to write all these masterpieces!
                                            Have a nice weekend! 🌹🌹

                                          • teardrop

                                            Love you words here, so beautiful. Touched me for I have lost so many and defiantly understand mourning. Yet, you penned such a beaiutiful memorial. I read this twice. Thank you so much for sharing.

                                            • Cassie58

                                              Thank you teardrop for your kind comments. Grief is difficult. Everyone does it differently. Take care of yourself.

                                            • Emile Dubois

                                              Evocative and heartfelt. Beautiful.

                                            • Gunnar

                                              I sense you share my love for words expressing emotions.

                                            • isa kemmy

                                              I like the poem its a great piece of art congrats

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