Heart Disease

Tristan Robert Lange

I waltz a waltz like no other waltz—
My solitary charade soiree—
And I dance the dance to the sad valse
Where my heart’s disease is on display.
© 2025 Tristan Robert Lange. All rights reserved.
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  • 2781

    It must be love.

    • Tristan Robert Lange

      Yay, first comment! Indeed, among other things. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts, my friend. Always appreciated! 🙏❤️

    • sorenbarrett

      Here the metaphor comes through strong and clear. One's heart should always be in the dance just as in music or any art.

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        Thank you, Soren. I am glad you enjoyed and found meaning in the poem. ❤️🙏 Your support and encouragement are always warmly welcomed, my friend!

      • Cassie58

        Hello Tristen. A nicely penned brevity here with layers. This is how I interpreted your words. Put your heart and soul into everything you do to reap the full benefits. Anything less, particularly when it comes to love is going to give you heart ache. Heart disease is a common complaint these days. Hope your Sunday is going well. Another fine write from your talented pen.

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          Dearest Cassie, thank you so much for your time and your interpretation. You are very close to the mark of my intent, for sure. 🤗 I’ve been in a very lonely place in my life (not literally…I’m surrounded by people…but not deeply connected to them. Even the people I should have intimacy with, that seems to have gone away. Not for a lack of want or effort on my part, but just seemingly because. So, that is the specific place I am coming from in writing this piece. I also love to dance, slow…fast…in between…love it. It’s life-giving to me. Yet, I have no one to dance with. Again, literally, I do, but they don’t share my love of dancing metaphorically or physically, let alone much of anything else at this point. I mean, I don't want to make it sound like no love or relationship is there, that wouldn't be true. But it's been a bit of a long winter season. So, you are right…I feel I do put my whole heart into my relationships. I really do. That’s who I am; I can’t do otherwise. And not having that reciprocated (which is, as you rightly point out, less than what I am giving) brings me much heartache or dis-ease. Of course, there is no wrong interpretation, in my opinion, because poems speak to the individual reading them, but regardless, without knowing the specifics in my life, you came very close to my intent. Well done, my dear poet friend! And thank you so much! ❤️🙏

        • Cheeky Missy

          Ooh! How charmingly rendered in dearest Will's inimitable fashion, laced with such tantalizing intrigue to captivate, its haunting poignancy nearly culls swooning. La dee! Superb! Applicable on multiple points, this is too good and expertly crafted. Thank you very much for sharing.

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            Ooh la la! Thank you dear poet! Much appreciated, my friend! I am glad the poem delivered and you enjoyed! 🌹👏

          • orchidee

            Doh! if there's deep meanings in poems, I often don't get their meaning and may put my big foot in it! Or maybe, as you say, poems can be open to different interpretations.

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              They absolutely can be! LOL! Otherwise, what's the point of having other people besides oneself read them? 🤷‍♂️ Anywho, I very much always appreciate your time and engagement, my friend. Thank you! 🙏❤️

            • Michael Edwards

              In simple terms if its worth doing its worth doing well - your super shorty captures this with elegance.

              • Tristan Robert Lange

                Thank you Michael, much appreciated, my friend. See you on the other side of my vacation.

              • Poetic Licence

                If someone cannot be fully committed or give their whole heart to something or someone, it is better off leaving alone. enjoyed the read

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  Indeed. 💯 Thank you for your time and feedback, much appreciated. ❤️🙏

                  • Poetic Licence

                    You are very welcome

                  • Tom Dylan

                    A thought-provoking piece. Works on a few levels. Nicely done.

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      Thank you, Tom! Much appreciated! ❤️🙏

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