Repression and The Senegambia Highway Man


Repression and The Senegambia Highway Man


     I once met a gentleman twice, who purely

by some chance,

   I only recall, bumping into, the first time ..

It was just off from

   the brand new, Senegambia highway ..

I never did manage

   to learn his Mandinka name though ..

He was tall and so

very thin however, my dear lord, it was

easy to see that he

   was quite literally, starving back then ..

And so, I gave him

a handful of rice, Adana the house girl

   had previously given me ..

Plus a small piece of something, I took

to be meat, from

the back of my very old host, Hanna’s

very temperamental,

antique refrigerator and then, at least

for one moment or

   two, he did seem, reasonably contented ..

But when I met with

him again, the very next day, we both

kind of knew by then,

   that he was very much in dying mode ..

He had a hole in one

of his legs you see, so big you could

poke a big stick

right through it and see clearly from one

   side to the other ..

But his eyes were by then sadly already

dead in his head

   And the truth was, he was totally blinded ..

So I gave him the one

hundred and twenty five dalasi which

was all that I had on me

and told him to go grab a bush cab to

the Banjul infirmary a.s.a.p.

That same evening, one of the cooks

at Old Uncle Noah’s

Fish Restaurant, came and told me that

the guy with no name,

   they called Happy never quite made it ..

And all the scraps he had

saved in his carrier bag, were promptly

divided between,

a young orphaned albino, riddled with

skin cancer and his four

   three month old abandoned puppy dogs ..

Oh’ and since I happened

to be passing, would I care to make a

small donation to some

other lost causes .. I said, sorry but no,

   I’ve got a plane to catch ..

And while you may think it strange that

I have hardly ever even

thought about that guy, or that day again,

   until a moment ago, that is ..

Now on reflection, I guess that’s what we

   in the trade, used to call repression ..





  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 3rd, 2025 14:34
  • Comment from author about the poem: This may not be perfect .. but it is in its entirety, 100% true 🀍
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: Poetic Licence, Cheeky Missy, Cassie58
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  • sorenbarrett

    True or not it's a great metaphor just the same. Repression, denial, projection, displacement, regression, sublimation all seem to have a part in this story. Love the little lines fit such as the back of the old refigerator.. Several carefully chosen words helped the whole process such as totally blinded. Hardly thought about the guy again. Poetry is a wonderful sublimation I use it all the time. A great story Neville

    • Neville

      Tis all true, but you can't beat a bit of reaction formation tho' can ya Squire .. thanks a zillion brother s .. Neville πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

    • Poetic Licence

      A fantastic piece of work with cleverly chosen and crafted words, clearly giving imagery to all feelings and emotions, and to top it off it is true and so very sad. I loved the Neville, great read

      • Neville

        I am well and truly honoured Tobani .. many thanks indeed .. Neville

        • Poetic Licence

          You are very welcome

        • arqios

          A distinct moment that comes back just as randomly as it happens, I’ve begun having those and must remember to document them as you have here. It’s a beautiful anecdotal piece. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ»

          • Neville

            I find it serves not only as an aid memoire but can after a while be positively cathartic too .. ta muchly arqios .. Neville

            • arqios

              Yes! one of the most prominent literary products: catharsis! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠοΈ

            • Goldfinch60

              Helping others can have its advantages and disadvantages Neville . Fine words.


              • Neville

                .................... Cheers GF60 .. N πŸ™‚

              • orchidee

                Good write N. I've a book with two pictures side by side - but sickening. Some Colonel-type and his wife with a dead tiger they shot as a trophy in one picture; and some starving people in India in the other picture.

                • Neville

                  Yes sickening .. sadly, it's still like that in many parts .. I'm currently trying to gear myself up for my third stint in West Africa & the infamous Tanka Tanka psych hospital .. if I can pull it off, it will definitely be my last one .. Neville

                • Cheeky Missy

                  Forsooth. Were we unable to pull off that trick we'd still be wallowing in whichever horror last had us by the throat. Excellently rendered with gorgeous imagery until tis graphically roused to haunt with an exquisitely painful poignancy. Thank you for sharing.

                  • Neville

                    Thanks a minion Missy .. Neville

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