

Birds on the wing in a straight line
Northward bound unbroken they fly
Season change is their sign
Cast beneath feathered clouds in a golden sky

Endless numbers without question they follow
Dots then dashes of code set on high
Messages from water fowl or swallow
Too distant to hear their cry

What message do they send below?
Is there meaning in this code, wind blown?
Cryptic lines of life's flow
Winging it alone is where trouble is sown

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  • arqios

    Always makes me wonder how we in subtle ways respond to the signs around us without even knowing to have been doing so, just like these migratory birds, for millennia to uncharted memory. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•Š

    • sorenbarrett

      We all seem to read programed signs and respond in a (mindless?) way in flocks, herds and crowds. Is this good, is it bad or do good and bad even apply? Thanks so much for the read and comment Cryptic it is most appreciated

      • arqios

        Yes, it can be a conundrum. It could also call forth an inner trust (intuition) that things tend to right themselves over time. How much time is anyoneโ€™s guess. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•Š

      • David Wakeling

        This is quite a powerful metaphor.I read it twice to appreciate it.Excellent work.Well constructed and an incredible last line.

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you so much David for the read and your kind words of reassurance and support they are most appreciated

        • Teddy.15

          How truly beautiful and how true that nature has its own way of feeling the aura ๐ŸŒน

          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks my literary friend for the read and for your input of nature's way it as always is most appreciated

          • orchidee

            A fine write SB. I try to be 'The Birdman' to fly away from KP! lol.

            • sorenbarrett

              Thanks Orchi for the read and kind words don't let her follow with the rest of the birds

            • Friendship

              Nicely put, Soren. Your poem prompts introspection regarding the natural world's significance and the subtle messages we often overlook daily. As a reader, it inspires me to contemplate the profound meanings underlying observed phenomena and the vital importance of connection and understanding in life's journey. I appreciate how you examine themes of communication and the pursuit of meaning within the natural world, particularly through the metaphor of birds in flight. This raises questions about the messages conveyed by these creatures and the broader significance of their journey.

              • sorenbarrett

                Thanks so much for the read of this piece and your interpretation that is right on

              • Salvia.S

                Thought provoking and beautifully crafted!

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thanks Salvia for your most supportive and kind words

                • Neville

                  Itโ€™s that time of year again isnโ€™t it .. I can tell Iโ€™m going to be watching the sky now for quite some time .. Tis indeed quite lovely ๐Ÿ‘

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Tis indeed. Whether southern or northern hemisphere the sky moves as do all within it. Thanks so much for the review and comment

                  • NinjaGirl

                    What I love most about this symbolism, is the idea that when the bird flying in the front gets tired from breaking the wind, the other birds let it fall to the back where there is no more wind resistance due to their triangle-shaped flight. It's this sense of community, that someone doesn't have to be strong for the whole flight--they can be tired, and take a step back.

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you for your interpretation and kind words they are resplendant reflections that add more value to the poem

                    • Distant View

                      poetic images, expressed quite eloquently!

                      • sorenbarrett

                        I thank you most humbly for your kind words of support they are deeply valued

                      • Dan Williams

                        I think you also are often led by magnetic lines; 'Cryptic lines of life's flow'. Nice.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thank you Dan for your read and understanding interpretation. It is most appreciated

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Those signs fro Nature are always around us soren and they can be hard to interpret so often.


                          • sorenbarrett

                            Thanks so much Gold for the read and kind words. Yes indeed signs may be hard to read for those that pay attention to other things.

                          • Shetonya Latryce

                            Love this. Birds and their unique ability to do what they do, has always fascinated me. Flocking to formations all the things birds are exciting. Thank you for your impeccable words.

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thanks so much Shetonya for your read and comment it is most apprecited

                            • NafisaSB

                              birds are smarter than us - they know that 'winging it alone' can be challenging, hence have the common sense to fly in a formation that does not cause them as much pressures if they were to fly alone..
                              good message here

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thanks so much for the read and interpretation Nafisa it is most appreciated

                                • NafisaSB

                                  you are always welcome. have a beautiful productive week

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