Tickles from the past


All hearts belong to someone, on each virgin page we leave a mark
Smudges that summon, flies of rage or tickles of love from the dark
An itch that can't be quieted, infestations that can't be swept away
Tingling taste, a quiet hum on the tongue, of a prayer yet to pray

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  • orchidee

    Good write SB. Doh! I used a ticket of the past - it was dated last year. (Did I? lol).

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks Orchi any tickets I have from the past remain unpaid. Now tickles that is a different matter that must be taken up with a different judge. Appreciate the read and comment.

      • orchidee

        'Tickle' but no 'slap'? Heehee

      • Teddy.15

        Beautiful, yes we should never ignore an igling ๐ŸŒน

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you so much my friend for the read and kind supportive words they are most appreciated

        • Reynaldo Casison

          Nice One Soren
          Nice And Reflective

          • sorenbarrett

            Thank you so much for the read and kind words they are most appreciated

          • Poetic Licence

            And all hearts should be treated with care, nicely worded reflective poem, enjoyed the read

            • sorenbarrett

              Thnk you for your read and supportive words that are most valued

              • Poetic Licence

                You are very welcome

              • arqios

                โ€œThe prayer yet to prayโ€ now there is an excellent line ! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ•Š

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thank you so much Cryptic I deeply appreciate the review and kind words as always.

                • Friendship

                  Lovely. You created a profoundly moving painting, Soren. Your poem transcends time, resonating deeply with anyone who has ever experienced love and its intricate complexities. It beautifully captures the intense, often conflicting emotions that arise from love, attachment, and desire.

                  • sorenbarrett

                    I appreciate the review and interpretation they are always welcome

                  • Thomas W Case

                    I love this. Powerful and poignant. Brilliant writing.

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you so much Thomas for the review and most kind words your visits are always valued

                    • Salvia.S

                      Beautiful write!

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thank you Salvia for your kind support it is appreciated

                      • NinjaGirl

                        another beautiful write!

                      • Cassie58

                        Lovely meaningful and reflective write Soren. Beautiful poetry. All the best.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thanks so much Cassie your input is always appreciated

                        • Hey!

                          Love it, keep writing I'd love to see more!!!!

                          • sorenbarrett

                            Thank you so much Lil for the read and comment your support is most appreciated

                            • Hey!

                              Yea no problem!

                            • Neville

                              One would have to be a fool not to give this the thumbs up .. itโ€™s a complete knockout ๐Ÿ‘

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thanks Neville appreciate it

                              • Goldfinch60

                                So very true soren, we all leave marks in our lives for others to see.


                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Thanks Gold for the visit and words they mean a great deal

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