Record Player


On a phonograph forgotten memories play
Lost sentiments that did not last
Tunes of thought that have been put away
Music reaching out of the past 

Drumbeats of passion cast
Cymbals echo fear
Strings of love, played out so fast
Sax of regret time so far now so near

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  • arqios

    Nothing like the scratchy, staticky sound of needle on vinyl! The vibrations of the turntable revolution soothed the cheek on the wooden floor! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠοΈ

    • sorenbarrett

      Miss those days. Nostalgia on a Sunday morn. Thanks for the read Cryptic and the comment.

      • arqios

        Oh I miss them too! I’m saving up to purchase a turntable and starting up a β€œnew” second hand vinyl collection πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠοΈ

      • Poetic Licence

        Records are so like photographs, they instantly remind you of places, feelings and people of the past. Enjoyed the read

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you so much. Have a wonderful day

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome and Thank you

          • Teddy.15

            How true, music can bring so much in emotional memories good and bad, music for me is certainly the key to remembering. 🌹 You have such a warm poetic heart dear sorrenbarret 🌹

            • sorenbarrett

              Thank you so much Teddy for the read and understanding comments they are much appreciated

            • Ma5on


              Your piece beautifully captures the bittersweet nature of nostalgia, using music as a metaphor for memories resurfacing. The imagery of a phonograph playing forgotten tunes is evocative & sets a melancholic yet elegant tone.

              You create a rhymthic feel by offering different musical elements to create a vivid visual & emotion.

              I am this morning playing some early Pet Shop Boys on vinyl so this was a welcome piece to read whilst hearing that vinyl static scatch, as arqios mentioned, in the background.

              This is a well-crafted, evocative poem with a strong nostalgic theme.

              Off to turn up that amp!



              • sorenbarrett

                Thanks so much Tristan for your read and understanding interpretation. Your words always appreciated

              • Neville

                For as long as I live n breathe, I shall regret getting shot of all my vinyl .. I'm now only about half way through replacing them but of course loads are no longer avinynable .. N

                • sorenbarrett

                  Had accumulated hundreds of them now they rest under dust having gotten rid of my speakers and Amp as well as turn table. Thought to get another but with no one but I to enjoy them only to complain of the noise, no point. Thanks so much Neville for the read and comment it is appreciated

                • Friendship

                  Soren, your poem revolves around nostalgia and the emotional resonance of memories evoked through music. You seem to reflect on forgotten memories and sentiments that resurface through the sounds of a phonograph, illustrating how music can trigger powerful recollections of love, passion, and regret.

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you again for the read and comment that is right on but more the music of life acts the same.

                  • orchidee

                    I saw some record players for sale - making a comeback? Though I got a strange look from someone, when I asked: 'Do you still sell videos?'

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks so much Orchi for the read and comment always appreciated

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      I've definitely played this record before and my copy seems to be broken. The ending on repeat where I'd rather it not be. Love this metaphor. Gets a fave! Brilliantly done. πŸŒΉπŸ‘

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thanks so much Tristan for the read and comment yes I think we all have a copy of this record.

                      • MendedFences27

                        Your poem spins memories for its reader. Vinyl plastic at its best. I still have hordes of them stashed in a closet. I play them rarely. I still have a phonograph so no excuses, except the ease of listening to the downloads, but what memories they do reflash. Loved it- Phil A.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thanks so much for the read and comment it is most appreciated. I too have a horde of them but no player anymore.

                        • Cassie58

                          Music, how that can transport your thoughts to times gone. Bring back memories. We still have our vinyl. Rescued from the loft a couple of years ago and now played. We have also added to our collection. Lovely.

                          • sorenbarrett

                            Thank you Cassie for the read and comment. I remember going to one of my grandfathers and in the attic he had an old wind up phonograph with one sided records, wish I had it now.

                          • David Wakeling

                            Yes the old music and voices were magical. Reminded me to get out the old records and go back in time.Wonderful poem

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thank you so much David for the read and comment they are as always appreciated

                            • Parisab

                              Old music sounds different to us now-your words sounded of timeless music

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thank you so much Parisab for your understanding and most kind comment it is deeply appreciated

                              • Goldfinch60

                                So true soren, music can bring such wonderful memories to us.


                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Than you so much Andy appreciate the read and comment

                                • Thomas W Case

                                  Wow. You bring the music to life. I miss records. Excellent.

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thanks so much Thomas for me music is memories

                                  • hzugman

                                    Well done.

                                  • faie

                                    I enjoyed the poem. Reading it made me think of the record spinning on the turntable and how carefree life becomes at that moment when the music sounds.

                                    • sorenbarrett

                                      Thank you so much for the read there are many that have never seen a turntable nor a record. Your words are most appreciated

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