Some Things She Once Said


Some Things She Once Said


She once said that she lived


near Gdansk, in a rented

apartment with

   her beautiful young daughter ..


by surplus tall chimneys,

sparce bearded

   scholars, artists and geeks ..

You know,

those who I guess may think


   kind of sideways and deeply ..

Proper textbook

   bohemia, or so I imagined ..

And just maybe,

the kind of place I might once

have felt quite

   happy to live in, so to speak ..

She went on to

 suggest she had been hurt once

too often

and was now, taking a break

   from reality

and tho' her ego may be dying,

she insisted she

still feels pain and can be hurt just

the same, so be

    very gentle with me, she begged ..

Oh’ dear lord,

at that time, I then thought if we

ever did meet,

it would need to occur in a park,

or a public place

and at least, somewhere safe like

   good old Ukraine ..

But even then, I doubt I could’ve

   kept my hands off her ..

Instead, it was then, I fell for the

smile, her dark hair,

brown eyes and yes, much to

my surprise, her

   vulnerability and her honesty ..

Sometime later,

after we fucked a few times and

made love often

she found me on Facebook but

insisted I block her

for the sake of confidentiality

and the daughter,

she loved, more than anything

this messed up

   world of ours, cared to offer her ..

Yes, it was then we

shook hands and promised each

other to always be no

   more than lovers and ever friends ..







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  • sorenbarrett

    Neville forgive me but this took me as personification of Id meets Ego. Never the less the casual wording and first person dialogue makes for so intimate of a read. I sill love your pacing and the use of it to hold the reader back until just the right moment. This metaphor leaves a powerful message that distance in a relationship is necessary for its health. A deep and lovely write or maybe I am one of those lateral thinkers.

    • Neville

      That's super and there's nowt to forgive .. honest .. Neville

    • arqios

      Life’s complications! Somehow we manage to live and move on. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠοΈ

      • Neville

        Yep .. aint that the truth ..

      • Poetic Licence

        I get a sense of distance is healthy also consideration of the child taken into account, but more than anything i get the sense of one wanting it to be more than the other was willing to give, probably wrong, but a very enjoyable and interesting read

        • Neville

          there are no wrongs in my book PL only writes .. and thanks so much for calling .. Neville

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome

          • Tony36

            Excellent write Nevilie

            • Neville

              That’ll do Tony, cheers .. Neville

              • Tony36

                You're welcome

              • orchidee

                I wish KP would say - I'm emigrating to Australia! lol.

                • Neville

                  Who would change the.straw in your hutch and fill your water bottle if she did take off eh’ ..
                  I think you should count your blessings πŸ€πŸ˜–πŸ­

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  Sometimes distance is necessary and healthy. Wonderfully written, my friend. πŸ‘

                  • Neville

                    That is so very kind of you Tristan and greatly appreciated my friend .. Neville πŸ‘

                  • MendedFences27

                    A love lost through the circumstances of separation. The distance serving as a guardian against entanglement. Still, it lingers in the heart and rises up in the words of the poet. Loved it. - Phil A.

                    • Neville

                      That’s all that matters to both me and my pen .. thanks a million my friend .. Hope you are well and that 2025 is being kind to you .. Neville

                    • Cassie58

                      I felt two people here brought together in unusual circumstances, both needing a tender loving touch. Some things aren’t meant to be, but they can leave beautiful memories in their wake. Lovely.

                      • Neville

                        Thank you both kindly and true Cassie .. Your insight, empathy and kindness collectively become you .. Neville

                      • Goldfinch60

                        Life can be like this on occasions Neville but eventually it all works out fine.


                        • Neville

                          the ending was perfect, just as we both wanted but thanks for the concern & associated empathy .. Neville

                        • Cheeky Missy

                          You're a regular riot, I declare! My word! If I'd one of your many volumes for my own, I might not be so satisfied, but oh me! Whew. How charmingly rendered with gorgeous imagery and a deliciously haunting poignancy. Thank you so very much for sharing. [Are you on fb? I like never hang out there but mebbe I'll hunt you up...]

                          • Neville

                            You are just gonna have to lay your hands on one .. or two & make hay while the sun shines and my day at the same time .. Bless your little cotton socks Missy ..

                            p.s. I am not a fan of Facebook or any of the other social media forums & sumtimes have to resort to a little poetic license but thanks for the offer .. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

                            • Cheeky Missy

                              You're very welcome!

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