Playing With Words


Playing With Words


She said,

do you see what

I mean ..

He said no, but 

I hear what

you say, and tho’

I’m aware,

that you search

for yourself

each day in my

poetry ..

Somehow, you

still tend

to get lost in my


words en-route ..

But that’s

fine by me babe

I regard it

as a journey and

quite like

the course you

take anyway ..

Oh’ plus the fact

you feel able

to pause to linger

and play,

with each of my

metaphors ..

But then my love,

I love how

you smile look

away and pretend

it’s all just

some silly old game ..







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  • Reynaldo Casison

    Nice One Neville
    A Nice Metaphor
    Is A Sweet Journey
    In Itself

    • Neville

      Thanks again brother R .. I feel well and truly spoilt today .. Neville

    • arqios

      My sentiments exactly… either too serious or held in so little regard, hardly ever just right on the words that I spout… it’s much like the art and skill of reading a room… but graced by poetry’s loom. 🙏🏻🕊

      • Neville

        It’s good to know your not alone innit .. cheers brother .. Neville

        • arqios

          For sure N 🙏🏻🕊

        • sorenbarrett

          How titillating, word play, like foreplay excites with expectations, seductively luring one in with mental masturbation. Oops too much too fast . A fun but also deep probe at how much should we read into things. Find myself guilty of this all the time I think I may be doing it now.

          • Neville

            I like your take on these words of mine thank you my friend .. Neville 😎👍

          • Poetic Licence

            A very entertaining write exploring do we look to much into what people have said or do we not value them when we should, or we just take them at face value and get on with our life, enjoyed the read

            • Neville

              You got it .. thanks PL .. you have a good eye and a kind heart 😎👍

              • Poetic Licence

                You are very welcome

              • orchidee

                Good write N. Ohh, let's wax metaphorical!

                • Neville

                  Yes please do ..

                  • orchidee

                    Can ya beat a bit of meta-wotsit?

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    'snot the destination, 's the journey wot counts....

                    • Neville

                      Is that taken from the sleeve of some incredible geezers anthology by any chance 😎👍

                    • A B

                      Adorable in its playfulness. Intimate, and rhythmic ...blurs love, language, and interpretations beautifully.

                      • Neville

                        I am so glad you called AB feel free to call back anytime .. kind regards Neville

                      • Thomas W Case

                        A word salad of love. Excellent work, my friend.

                        • Neville

                          I’ll take it as it comes bro .. no dressing necessary… cheers Neville 👍

                        • Tony36

                          Excellent write Nevilie

                          • Neville

                            Cheers 😎👍

                            • Tony36

                              You're welcome

                            • MendedFences27

                              Love wrapped in poetry. Metaphors that are a metaphor. He and she involved in the "silly old game." Maybe it's the way she "looks,, walks, or "plays" That gets the "Game" started, and it ends at the end of your last line. Oh my, what a joy. Loved it, - Phil A.

                              • Neville

                                You have a habit of making my day Phil .. thank you so much my friend 😎👍

                              • Goldfinch60

                                She will find her way in your words as we all do Neville.


                                • Neville

                                  Thanks a bullion goldfinch60 😎

                                • Cheeky Missy

                                  She blushed when he finished, wishing he'd seal it with a kiss, but as I'm the proverbial fly in the wall, and lost interest, guess I'll never know. Beautifully rendered with an erotic poignancy and tasteful imagery. Thank you for sharing, Sir.

                                  • Neville

                                    Thank you for coming Cheeky Missy .. I hope you do again and again .. Neville

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