Empty Thoughts


i found solace too often

in penning poems 

i found peace in placing words on 

a plain white screen with the 

tap tap tap of happy key strokes 

leaving a trail of black print

like the footsteps of a fox at night 

marking its hungry journey across 

a field of freshly fallen snow 


yet these days 

the page of delightful promise 

remains devoid of thought 

and the words are left flying in the 

ether of elusive nowhere 

refusing to be caught 

by the net of my imagination 

for the benefit or otherwise of

readers of poetry 




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  • Cheeky Missy

    The same malaise is haunting every last one of us until sometimes anymore I begin to crumble under the oppressive weight. Yet the birds sing songs my heart recognizes as later Spring songs, and the light is clearly the eye of Spring, whence I'm keeping my head above water, but not much else. Sorry for burdening you with that. Beautifully rendered with gorgeous imagery and a resonating, haunting poignancy. Thank you for sharing.

    • Cassie58

      Thank you Missy. The winter has been harsh. I think we are all looking forward to spring. Your thoughts always welcome and appreciated.

    • Teddy.15

      A true poet never suffers empty thought, they are just hiding, eventually coming out like lava, I absolutely love this dearest Cassie 🌹💖

      • Cassie58

        Hello Teddy, those thoughts and words that fly off into nowhere when the muse is being difficult always return sooner or later. Ever thankful for your continuing support of my efforts. Scraping through notebooks for new material:)


      • sorenbarrett

        Indeed I too become restless during the nonhunting season when one must put down and wait patiently for the next season to open. A great write Cassie with which I can identify.

        • Cassie58

          When the muse goes walks about it can become difficult to harness thoughts and turn them into poetry. You don’t appear to experience that, so prolific a writer you are. I am currently scraping the barrel for inspiration. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts.

        • Poetic Licence

          Even when you have empty thoughts you create a wonderful write, enjoyed the read

          • Cassie58

            Thank you Tobani for your thoughtful visit. Very much appreciated. Pleased you enjoyed this bit of nonsense.

            • Poetic Licence

              You are very welcome

            • arqios

              Foxy porting, nice! 🙏🏻🕊️

              • Cassie58

                Now you have got me truly puzzled arqios, but I thank you for stopping by to comment on my notebook ramblings. Currently scraping the barrel for inspiration.

              • Goldfinch60

                Well your net has certainly caught these beautiful words Cassie.

                • Cassie58

                  Thank you Andy for your kind words. Very much appreciated. Have a good day though it looks pretty dismal out there.

                • orchidee

                  Time for a silent poem, if muse has dried up? They're easy to do. Here's the start of one:
                  Just add as many stanzas as you wish (say 4,648), of however many lines (say 3,659) per stanza. Each stanza has the same 'words' - none! lol. Random numbers selected there.

                  • Cassie58

                    Thank you Orchi, you have been most helpful 😂

                    Have a very happy Thursday.

                  • Reynaldo Casison

                    Nice One Cassie
                    Soothing Foxy And Wistful

                    • Cassie58

                      Thank you Reynaldo for stopping by. Have a beautiful Thursday dear poet.

                    • Neville

                      All things must change & I'm betting that your current predicament (now ended by all accounts) is but one of those things .. it feels dreadful at the time but we both know it will eventually pass .. everything does, doesn't it Cassie .. just bide your time & take notes like wot I do .. Kindest regards to you & your muse .. Neville

                      • Cassie58

                        Old notes here Neville, trying to complete stuff started but unfinished. They do come in useful though. Change isn’t easy but is a constant as you know. Thanking you for your kind regards and mine are sent to you too and sincerely so.

                      • Kevin Hulme

                        We’ve all been up against that ‘Brick Wall’, looking for inspiration, nothing coming. Then someone says something or you see something on the Television and it’s there . Usually other Poets have a theme and I think ‘I’ll write also of that subject’. Your poem defined that ‘Writer’s Block’ so well.

                        • Cassie58

                          Thanks Kevin. My muse isn’t very reliable. I often have to go routing through old notebooks to find bits of scribble. It is a common thing for writers to have a block, though there are some who manage to write with ease. I managed a poem here though out of scraps. I appreciate your visit and your thoughts. Have a good day. .

                        • NafisaSB

                          and yet, you have penned this poem with some beautiful imagery. muse will strike again - don't worry, stay creative

                          • Cassie58

                            Thank you dear Safina. I keep notes, lots of them for when I am scraping the barrel. They come in handy. My muse does love her holidays:)

                            • NafisaSB

                              ha ha, so does mine.. you know, i sometime get up in the middle of the night with a verse in my mind, and have learnt to jot it down asap because every time i thought i would expand on it in the morning, it was gone...
                              so your idea makes a lot of sense to me

                            • rebellion_in_sanity

                              I simply loved it. So relatable and so beautifully expressed. Stunning is the word!

                            • Natalie Heisey

                              Thank you everyone. I'm so glad you loved my poem ! ❤️

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