Once I Felt Like a Sky Hungry Kite


Once I Felt Like a Sky Hungry Kite


I still don’t know how

   I feel today ..

But I do know, I once

felt like a magnificent,

   sky hungry kite ..


That is, until you chose

to eclipse me

and then your shadow

blocked out,

   every ounce of my light ..


Now I stumble around in

the darkness

feeling my way forward

a bit at a time

   searching for morsels to eat ..


But I doubt very much like

the phoenix,

either resurrection, rebirth

or revival will

    remain on the menu all week ..


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  • arqios

    Oh to be in flight! The kite 🪁 was designed to be🙏🏻🕊️

    • Neville

      Thank you arqios .. Neville

      • arqios

        You’re very welcome Neville🙏🏻🕊️for some reason, whenever your full first name is used, ‘prime minister’ pops up in the back of my mind 🕊️

      • sorenbarrett

        Child's toy or bird was the first question. You are playing with my mind again Neville. Love the line (sky hungry kite) I envision it taking bits out of the sky The eclipse and the shadow now starve me in metaphor. Here I stumble around looking for explanation and indeed in this one you have eclipsed me and left me in shadow and yes I doubt there will be any resurrection soon. This is full of too many possibilities my friend you have got me. It could even be seen as a plus eighteen if you want to push it that far.

        • Neville

          Five out of four aint bad now is it .. well done you Sir sorenbarrett & thanks for giving it everything .. Neville

        • Cassie58

          A fine metaphorical write Neville. Our skies are often frequented by red kites and magnificent they are too. A few days ago they were swooping down on the flat roof of our garage. Most unusual as they are carrion birds. There was plenty of bread and other birds there, quite a disturbance. I also thought of childhood and kite flying. I travelled with your words which can be read many ways, but unmistakably with an air of darkness. Light and shadow, always much to think about. Lovely.

          • Neville

            Thank you for swooping in on this one & considering it in such detail Cassie .. I love watching our relatively only recent reintroduced red tailed kites, particularly when they tumble which is such a magnificent display .. They have not reached my neck of the woods yet in any real numbers but I did see two here last year directly over the field behind my outbuildings .. All Good Things, Neville

            • Cassie58

              They are beautiful in flight and I hope very much that you get to see them again in your neck of the woods Quite common where we are. I also hope that your mood lifts. That was not lost to me. All good things to you too Neville.

            • Poetic Licence

              Hopefully the menu will change, this one a real mind teaser which made it even more enjoyable to read

              • Neville

                it being a seasonal menu, I am optimistic that spring will bring with it something refreshing, tasty and new .. many thanks PL .. Neville

                • Poetic Licence

                  You are very welcome

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  I can relate to this. The feeling of once wanting to soar, to fly...but life has beaten and weathered one down to the point of limply stumbling, or chaotically skipping along the ground as one tries to haphazardly take flight with little ability, let alone desire, to soar anymore. That, at least, is what I got out of it, anywho. Well done, my friend. ❤️

                  • Neville

                    Thanks Tristan I am delighted you could read between the lines my friend .. Cheers .. Neville

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      Cheers! 🍻

                    • Cheeky Missy

                      In the rarer instances where a kite was my vehicle, dipping, diving, soaring, flying, the heavier motions of pride and greed were lost to the higher regions of purer air whose essence knew not such base notions. That was also the occasion where my newly acquired baby doll had her face totally squashed in while my back was turned, by the heat of the sun, allegedly, and after that I only remember the subsequent amusement of too many years later when the minor truths rectified that in style. Your characteristic rendering so charmingly culling these same sensations, tis regrettable the Phoenix won't remain on the menu indefinitely. Intriguing with excellent imagery and a haunting poignancy, thank you for sharing.

                      • Neville

                        If you keep going like this Missy then 2025 is surely gonna be a year to remember fondly .. bless you my friend .. Neville

                        • Cheeky Missy

                          Hahaha. Always a pleasure to bandy words with you and indulge in your creations.

                        • Tony36

                          Excellent write Nevilie

                          • Neville

                            Well I neva .. Cheers buddy .. Neville

                            • Tony36

                              You're welcome

                            • orchidee

                              Good write N.

                              • Neville

                                Thank you Orchidee

                              • Thomas W Case

                                Superb work.. Here in Clear Lake, they have a kite festival every winter on the frozen lake. Fly high, my friend.

                                • Neville

                                  Thanks Thomas it seems the term kite is responsible for a variety of of poetic interpretations around this globe of ours .. I quite like yours and fancy a ticket to the festivities you refer to .. Regards Neville

                                • Goldfinch60

                                  Revival will be there Neville and you will fly in the glorious blue sky once more.


                                  • Neville

                                    I'm thinking of going by cruise liner but thanks for giving me the thumbs up .. Neville

                                  • NafisaSB

                                    the phoenix will rise, and you will survive - after every fall, one is able to spring back, and fly high if the determination is there
                                    a touching masterpiece - liked it

                                    • Neville

                                      Thanks for visiting and such a kind comment NafisaSB .. Kindest regards, Neville

                                      • NafisaSB

                                        you are always welcome. i do enjoy reading your poems - so many of them make me sit up and think

                                      • rebellion_in_sanity

                                        Simply loved it!

                                        • Neville

                                          Muchly appreciated my friend .. thank you .. Neville

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