Breakfast Reflection


breakfast tea 

from plain white china 

steam on my upper lip 

through sips 

i watch tall river grass 

from plate glass windows 

cleaned to a gleam 


in the marina basin 


light feathery plumes 

catch a gentle breeze 

how resilient they are 

standing to attention in sunlight 

a firm back bone like my mother 

not one to wear her emotions 

where they were seen 

yet her devotion to family 



her absent tears flood my eyes 

she cried only twice 

during our together days 

once when my father died 

but before that 

there was something else 

which caused a waterfall 

to spill over in a fountain 

of sadness 


i recall her open arms 

as they reached out to embrace 

a tear stained and shaken me 

in my twenty eighth year 

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  • sorenbarrett

    Very nice a poem of missing and absence. Well done

    • Cassie58

      Thank you sorenbarrett. Yes, miss my mum, she was strong and fair. Her counsel was full of wisdom. The natural environment often brings her back. I value your kind thoughts. .

    • orchidee

      A sensitive write Cassie.

      • Cassie58

        Thank you Orchi for stopping by to leave your thoughts. Much appreciated.

      • Poetic Licence

        The remembering the absence of a loved one dearly missed, but how they were protected by that loved one from the sadder side of life by a strong loving mother. Lovely write

        • Cassie58

          Thank you Tobani. Yes my mum protected her five chicks when it was needed whilst encouraging us to also stand on our own two feet. My thoughts often drift her way when I am surrounded by the natural environment. I appreciate your lovely review.

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome

          • Teddy.15

            I left London when I was 28 and the thing I remember most about leaving was my mother's arms and words, she said if you don't like it, come home, it stuck with me all these years and this absolutely beautiful poem has just taken me back to that very precious moment. 2002 it was. Oh how you make my heart swell dearest Cassie πŸ’œ 🌹

            • Cassie58

              Dear Teddy, your generous review warms me. Thank you so much. So pleased that my poem took you back to a time when you were with your own mum for a special moment. So pleased you enjoyed this poem. πŸ’œπŸŒΉ

            • Thomas W Case

              Powerful. The pain is palpable.

              • Cassie58

                Thank you so much Thomas.

              • Tristan Robert Lange

                I feel the loss and the absence in this Cassie! Moms leave that indelible mark on us, don't they? At least, the good ones. Well done, dear poet and friend. Very well expressed! πŸŒΉπŸ‘

                • Cassie58

                  I was very fortunate with my mum Tristan. I miss her. Sadly there are some who don’t have the love and strength of a mother figure behind them. Yes she has left an indelible mark and I am grateful for that, as I am for your visit and support of my writing. Many thanks, have a happy Friday.

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    You're welcome

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Wonderful loving words for you mother Cassie.


                    • Cassie58

                      Thank you Andy. She was a great mum to all five of us. I was lucky to have a good family life. Have a great Friday. I appreciate your words.

                    • NafisaSB

                      beautiful and so tender -the loving care of a mother who keeps emotions in check, but is human and so loving - depicted so well
                      some moms are definitely the backbones of the family - mine was one such too

                      • Cassie58

                        Thank you dear Safina for your encouraging thoughts. Miss my mum so much. Pleased you enjoyed this poem. All good wishes to you.

                        • NafisaSB

                          yes, I miss my mom and our regular chats too ever since she left us with a void in our hearts
                          your poem brought back some good memories - thanks for sharing

                        • rebellion_in_sanity

                          Simply beautiful. Loved it

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