She Smiles…

Doggerel Dave

Notice of absence from Doggerel Dave
I do return sometimes... occasionally...

A woman smiles at me; I’m not quite sure:

Likes me or is it just suppressed laughter?

No it is obviously my allure:

I am the answer to what she’s been after.


Male fantasy can know no bounds you see,

If that’s the way you happen to be inclined;

And here’s a confession – that be me,

Though I found out soon the lady was blind.

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  • Poetic Licence

    Love this, a really fun way at looking at how some men think they are gods gift and the person has to be blind to not see that, male egos, very enjoyable read

    • Doggerel Dave

      Rapid response there - caught me before I could slink off with my walking stick.. many thanks☺️👍

      • Poetic Licence

        You are very welcome

      • sorenbarrett

        Dave this one is marvelous especially with the final twist. Written well by itself but the ending made it. Loved it.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Thanks Soren. I confess to something of me in there - but I hope not too much.

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          This damn aware in a way most men are not! Bravo! I applaud this in all the ways I possibly can. And yes, a mighty and hearty laugh was had! Well done, Dave! 🌹👏🤣

          • Doggerel Dave

            Thanks Tristan. I try a little self ridicule (differs from self deprecation) sometimes as it helps keep me steady.

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              You are most welcome!

            • Goldfinch60

              Good fun words Dave. "Smile, it confuses people!"


              • Doggerel Dave

                So you say, Andy. Thanks for the call. Confusion is healthy in small (maybe medium) sized doses.

              • arqios

                Must have used her sense of smell and super hearing, perhaps 🙏🏻🕊️

                • Doggerel Dave

                  Nah - we were introduced down the cafe. I looked up from the big fat book I was reading now that I don't spend so much time on MPS and thought....

                  (PS: The book and circumstances surrounding are really fair dinkum!!!😇)

                  • arqios

                    There is life out there! Or so I’ve been told 😃🕊️

                    • Doggerel Dave

                      Probably the same teller as got at me.

                      PS How's the washing machine situation? Full loading procedures available on request.....

                      Geez - that the time? Bedtime....

                      • arqios

                        Lol, yeah… nite!

                      • Neville

                        It's good that you could (or rather can now) see the funny side to it .. these things do happen don't they in real life and not just in films or cartoons .. Nice one Dave .. Neville

                        • Doggerel Dave

                          It was fun, really - a truth in there but just the merest smidgin of ridicule also....

                        • Cheeky Missy

                          Aww, I'm so sorry! Your O'Henry wry twist in concluding roused a chuckle which must be stifled for the more weighty reality bearing down on me. Alas she smiled for lack of vision. Superbly rendered with excellent imagery and a playful yet painful poignancy haunting it. Thank you for sharing.

                          • Doggerel Dave

                            More than welcome, Missy. It's a moral tale built upon immoral thoughts....

                          • Cassie58

                            I smiled too Dave and I smiled again when I read your final line. Nothing wrong with a bit of fantasy or maybe you do have some secret allure. A fun write. Happy days.

                            • Doggerel Dave

                              Well If you tell me I have some secret allure Cassie, who is to deny?😉 lol!

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