Castle Keep


Notice of absence from arqios
πŸ•Š πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠοΈ


I was but a boy

circling my haunt

excited by glints

sparking my periphery

striking from sandy

footprints in the sun

cascading upwards

as I diminish within

its helical embrace

offering prismatic

sublimating visions

refracting my parts

scattering my trove

of gathered truths

waiting for the tide

to repossess my keep.





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  • orchidee

    That's a great sandcastle you've built there. lol.

    • arqios

      I wish! My ones are about a tenth as grand, lol πŸ˜‚ 🏰 thanks O πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

    • sorenbarrett

      And such is childhood with its growing change simple, honest views of splendors beyond comprehension, and disillusionment with the erosion of time's tides. In older reflection one leaves footprints that one realizes will be swept away with each incoming wave. This poem carries feelings of youthful amazement, and ages resignation. Nicely done Cryptic

      • arqios

        Thanks Soren, my heart heard all of that πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

      • David Wakeling

        Thats the sad truth about sand castles they get re-possesed.Delightful poem

        • arqios

          Yup. Thanks for your visit and kind wordsπŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

        • Poetic Licence

          That is a stunning sand castle but like life it will eventually disappear, enjoyed the read

          • arqios

            So true! Thank you kindly πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

            • Poetic Licence

              You are very welcome

            • Salvia.S

              Breathtakingly beautiful poem! The imagery and metaphors are stunning.

              • arqios

                Thanks Salvia, glad it got cross and reflected πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

                • Salvia.S

                  You're welcome.

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  Indeed. Sandcastles, and our lives, are temporal. The tide carries the sand in for the keep to be built...and, lo, before you know it, the tide carries it back out again. Wonderfully powerful metaphor, my friend. πŸŒΉπŸ‘

                  • arqios

                    Thanks Tristan πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      You\'re most welcome, my friend! Happy Saturday from the USA...which probably means you are in or on your way to Sunday. Yay! Time zones! Hope your Saturday rocked and your Sunday is serene dear poet!

                    • Tony36

                      Great write

                      • arqios

                        Thanks Tony πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

                        • Tony36

                          You're welcome

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Wonderful words arqios.


                          • arqios

                            Thanks Andy πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

                          • Cassie58

                            So much learned by those sandcastles when we were children. Life long lessons taught. Fabulous metaphor and great imagery here arqios. Lovely.

                            • arqios

                              Thanks Cassie πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Šindeed, very great life lessons πŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ»

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