No More Mr. Blue Skies


No More Mr. Blue Skies


Pray can you still hear the cries

of all these anguished

   and stricken, landlocked gulls ..

In particular, those

that echo around and likewise,

still haunt, these now

empty oceans and once clear

   blue skies of ours ..

Can you still hear them sigh as

they each carve,

slice and scythe, their own way

through such dense

and likewise, unnavigable beige

   mushroom clouds ..

Then as they exit in their haste,

into some deep,

dark and hungry black hole now

somewhat curiously,

filling with tears and with misery

that once did

   belong to the whole human race ..

Such a sadness begins

to descend and a grand sense of

total nothingness

begins to prevail where once we

were wrong to

assume that indeed heaven might

   one day be found ..

How wrong you all were, to place

such hope, trust and faith

in power crazed bullies, billionaire

   despots, bigots and liars ..







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  • arqios

    Of 8B+ agendas the world over, the few that are fulfilled and subscribed to could be counted on the fingers of one hand…. that it seems is where the powers that be resides… of course kingmakers and power brokers are thrown in the swill as in days of old, we don’t need to attend mediaeval fairs because we are living in such times. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

    • Neville

      You are a credit to that insight of yours my friend .. & empathy becomes you .. Cheers .. Neville

      • arqios

        Why thank you kind sir, your wielding of the quill waxes mighty as to rally such compassion πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

      • sorenbarrett

        And those are the good guys. A powerful poem, a critique on human nature not only to do such things to the world we live in and ourselves but to allow it. Black Sunday it is. The worst part is that it is true.

        • Neville

          It absolutely bloomin well is .. thanks for seeing it my way my friend .. Neville

        • Poetic Licence

          A strong rightful critism of the human race as a whole, they who commit the sins and crimes we see on the news everyday but also those of us who allow them to, a powerful and accurate write.

          • Neville

            many thanks my friend . I couldn't ask for more .. Neville

            • Poetic Licence

              You are very welcome

            • orchidee

              Good write N.

              • Neville

                Cheers Orchidee .. Neville

              • Thomas W Case

                Powerful work, my friend.

                • Neville

                  To be honest, I could have done without it but the driving force was just too damned irresistible .. Neville

                • sorenbarrett

                  Now that casts a rather dark pall over this poem. "Pray" indeed "haunt" yes. This poem is haunting and the message is clear. People are not yet ready to govern themselves, not wise enough to choose proper leaders, too weak to overcome greed. A sad commentary of the human race. A wonderful write that talks to the potential outcome of such actions or inactions. As usual well done in poetic grace

                  • Neville

                    I dunno whether I just got caught in the crossfire, on the re-bound or by some ricochet .. but whatever the case, I'm gonna thank you again brother poet .. Neville

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    My attention span is shrinking so do you mind if I just hang on to your last four lines? With the 'you' in there rather than 'we' I believe you have it, Sir....

                    • Neville

                      Okay, got'cha .. point taken .. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

                      • Doggerel Dave

                        Those last four lines should be pinned, plastered or engraved into certain front doors, starting with our parliament.... what about yours?

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Powerful, true, and offers a sobering vantagepoint of human nature. Well done, Neville πŸŒΉπŸ‘

                        • Neville

                          Thank you kindly Tristan .. πŸ‘

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            You are welcome, my friend!

                          • Goldfinch60

                            Such true words Neville, will our world ever get better.


                            • Neville

                              Fingers crossed someone somewhere will do something soon before its too late .. 🀞

                            • Cheeky Missy

                              I guess I didn't bother blaming the big boys for the oceanside birds haunting the Midwest, crying ever and anon over naked parking lots whose trash, littered everywhere, seemed to charge mankind with a fault because their cries were here in the heartland, far, far from the seas. You've capably drawn up a vision and charged the few where I'll blame every last one of us. Excellently rendered with haunting imagery and a resonating poignancy.

                              • Neville

                                Bless you ma'am .. Neville

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