Roll of the dice


Love is playing Russian roulette with five chambers loaded
Give it a spin, pull the trigger, see if you'll win, or if your phallic hope exploded 
Play the game, take a chance, guess which chamber is empty
Smooth, slippery, naked cartridges, the sirens in this gun tempt me 


In some games there is a dud
When the hammer hits it there is only a thud
With this click comes a sense of liberty
None the less, it is the bang that sets me free

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  • Teddy.15

    Oh yes, don't you just love, love 🤣 superb imagery and emotionally and physically felt this. Once the gun goes off anything can happen. 🌹 Brilliant.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks so much Teddy. Yes one never knows until after the fact. Appreciate the read and comment my friend

    • arqios

      Brings out the shadowy cast of this reader. It has brought an alteration to the old ticker 🙏🏻🕊️

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Cryptic for the read and comment. Shadowy is a good word. Some live and some loose in love and life.

        • arqios

          Interesting. I will keep ponder these thoughts and see where they lead 🙏🏻🕊

        • orchidee

          I'm sure someone one was cheating when they played a dice betting game with me. Their (single) dice kept rolling a 7. Eh?! lol.

          • sorenbarrett

            That was the same guy that had a two headed coin. Thanks Orch for the read and comment its appreciated

          • Poetic Licence

            Life could not be described better, enjoyed the read.

          • GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

            And such is life

            • sorenbarrett

              Thank you for the read and comment it is always appreciated

            • Friendship

              Soren, your poem is a masterpiece, transcending. It transcends time to capture the essence of love and risk that, which resonates deeply across various contexts and eras. The powerful metaphor of Russian roulette conveys the exhilarating thrill and potential heartbreak that can accompany romantic relationships, illuminating the uncertainty and emotional stakes involved. You inspire a person to contemplate the profound beauty and danger of emotional investment, reflecting on the paradox of seeking liberation and joy through a potentially transformative force.

              • sorenbarrett

                This was a most amazing interpretation that is as deep or deeper than the poem itself poetic in form as well. Thank you very much for the read and most kind words they are most appreciated

                • Friendship

                  You are so welcome, Soren, and I appreciate your compliment as well,

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  Yes. It certainly is. What else can be said. Great metaphor that speaks truth. An easy fave! 🌹👏

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thanks Tristan so much I appreciate your read and words of support

                    • Tristan Robert Lange

                      You are welcome! I hope you have a great day, my friend!

                    • Thomas W Case


                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thank you so much Thomas

                      • RSM0812

                        A 5 bullet Russian roulette. Can't win, can't loose. A poets muse.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thanks so much for the read and the comment they are most valued. Your words mean a lot.

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Fine words soren, that empty chamber has always seemed to be the one that I fire.


                          • sorenbarrett

                            May you always have such good luck Gold Thanks so much for the read

                          • Lorenz

                            Impressing ! I like a lot !

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thanks Lorenz for the read and comment it means a lot

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