Pages not written


Dusty echoes from blood drenched soil, names written in clouds of the sky
Unremembered patriots, warriors and heroes erased from the public eye
Bloody Fellow, Crazy horse, Double Head, Hanging Maw, Geronimo
Galvarino, Cornplanter, Gall, Hole in the day, Chief Joseph, Little Crow

An English name to give them shame for a native tongue we don't understand
Nenetooyah, Incalatanga, Uskwaliguta, Goyaale, Thasunke Witko, Tamanend
Kaintwakon, Phizi, Bugonaykishig, Hinmuuttu-yalatlat, Tahlonteeskee
All heroes of their people, people erased from white pages of history

Sequoya a genius, developed the Cherokee written word, a work of mastery
A buried credit he received, for him we named a tree

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  • Salvia.S


    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you Salvia your read is most appreciated.

    • arqios

      And se we endeavour to fill the gaps of our cultural consciousness with poetry that reflects and depicts people, places and events that are now inaccessible or erased from said consciousness πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

      • sorenbarrett

        Indeed we do. It is the last bastion. Thank you so much Cryptic for the read and comment of support. It means a lot.

        • arqios

          You’re welcome Soren πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

        • Lorenz

          Bravo ! I also have a text (to come)on these martyred native peoples !

          • sorenbarrett

            Thank you Lorenz for the support. I have written on it before but it has been long ago. An untaught genocide that lurks in our shadows

          • Poetic Licence

            How one country completely ignores the facts of their history and how they got there country, by massacring the native American Indian, very close to my heart and am delighted to see people writing and reminding people what a great race of people they were and are.

            • sorenbarrett

              Thank you so much for the read and comment my friend. Yes my nature is to look for and study what we are not taught.

              • Poetic Licence

                You are very welcome

              • Teddy.15

                History repeating,? I hope not but there isn't so much hope is there, a dark brilliant poem my dear friend. The thing is that no matter how far the lunacy goes we as humans seem to just except it. 🌹

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thank you so much Teddy for the read of this piece. Yes we do seem to accept more than we should.

                • Friendship

                  Oh my, you painted a powerful picture, Soren. Your poem aims to raise awareness of the overlooked contributions of Indigenous peoples, challenge the dominant narratives of history, and honor the names and legacies that have been marginalized or forgotten. It calls for recognition of their stories and the importance of preserving their histories.

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you so much for the read and recognition of this fact. It is most appreciated and valued.

                  • Tony36


                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you Tony your reads are always appreciated and valued

                      • Tony36

                        You're welcome

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Yes!!! Love this! The white pages of Colonial and American history bleed red. No matter how white we make the pages, the blood soaks through and we, as artists and social commentators, cannot allow that history to be forgotten. Wonderful write, my friend! Well done, Soren. πŸŒΉπŸ‘

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thank you Tristan for the read and kind words of support they are most appreciated

                          • Tristan Robert Lange

                            You are welcome, my friend.

                          • orchidee

                            I name KP Big Chief Trout - or She Who Must Be Obeyed. It don't matter if I obey her or not, she still does whatever she wants! lol. We agree in our marriage. I suggest something, then we always do what she wants. I say to her' You're gonna do it anyaay, whatever I say or think!' heehee.

                            • sorenbarrett

                              That is the only way that a relationship works one has to order and the other obey. Thanks for the read Orchi

                            • Neville

                              absolutely fascinating not just this post but the whole First Nation history and culture .. Neville

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thanks Neville for the read and support it is appreciated

                              • NinjaGirl

                                There's so much unsaid, that should have been said

                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Thanks so much for the read and comment it is most appreciated

                                • GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

                                  Always love your work.

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thank you so much for your support it is deeply appreciated from one poem writer to another

                                  • GenXer Shamrocker ☘️

                                    Always appreciate your work my friend.

                                    • sorenbarrett

                                      Thanks again for your support.

                                    • Distant View

                                      Yes, and these are the TRUE American people! People who have suffered treachery and exploitation -- not to mention massacre! Treaties signed and later torn up by the white man because gold was found in "them thar hills!"

                                      • sorenbarrett

                                        Indeed they are. I have written of them before and in a poem that talks of what you have mentioned. This is a poem of how we have erased their history. Thank you so much for the read and support it is most appreciated

                                      • David Wakeling

                                        The history of the native indians is quite sad. Quite a nice tribute here though.Well done

                                        • sorenbarrett

                                          Thank you so much David for the read and comment it is most appreciated. Yes one more in a long list of genocides in man's history.

                                        • Goldfinch60

                                          Such wonderfully true words soren, such an awful shame.


                                          • sorenbarrett

                                            Thank you Andy for the read and kind words of support

                                          • whats write for me

                                            A stark remembrance of indigenous peoples in North America. Great writing and a good read.

                                            • sorenbarrett

                                              Thank you for the read and understanding comment they are most appreciated and valued

                                            • NafisaSB

                                              so many unsung heroes - we salute this noble band
                                              thanks for translating and sharing

                                              • sorenbarrett

                                                Thank you so much Nafisa for the read and for your most kind comment it makes the day.

                                                • NafisaSB

                                                  you are always welcome
                                                  have a good day

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