



it’s the little things, isn’t it

that make us remember, but then, along come

   the bigger things, to help us forget ..





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  • 2781

    Less can be more.

    • Neville

      Yes, that is oft the case .. 👍

    • Poetic Licence

      Amazing how the simplest and smallest of things can mean the most, enjoyed today's read

      • Neville

        I often think the very same thing .. thank you PB .. Neville

        • Poetic Licence

          You are very welcome

        • sorenbarrett

          A wonderful twist in this logic that seems so true for many. This one is short or should I say little and therefore easy to remember. Loved the simplicity in this Neville.

          • Neville

            Thank you my friend, that'll do nicely .. Neville

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            Well, there you go, Neville. Taking simplicity and wrapping it up into a mind-blowing statement that unravels the very fabric of all holding my chaotic inner world together. 🤣 This is so true, I had to attempt at being more witty than saying how true this is. Hope you don' t mind the feeble attempt! Wonderful write my friend. An easy fave! ❤️🌹👏

            • Neville

              You really are too kind but I'll take it my friend .. many thanks indeed .. Neville

            • orchidee

              Yes, I carry a mini-trout toy key-ring to remind me of KP! lol.

              • Neville

                It's you who needs locking up you rotter you ..

                • orchidee

                  I will escape from this hutch soon! lol. 🐰

                • Cheeky Missy

                  Only for a little while, though, you know? What gets under our skin can be put aside for the higher priorities, yet must be addressed at length. Rendered to effect with a tantalizing poignancy and a touch of imagery, thank you for sharing.

                  • Neville

                    Thanks for dropping in Missy .. Neville

                  • Distant View

                    Witty! ... and oh so true! Sometimes very few words can say a hell of a lot -- just like your poem here!

                    • Neville

                      Many thanks kind sir .. muchly appreciated .. Neville

                    • MendedFences27

                      Big or small, some things are never forgotten, but it is the little things that bring it all back again. There is much wisdom in what you have written, and it comes from life's experiences. This is a heart-felt poem about memories and remembering. Each will read it and interpret it as they see fit. - Phil A.

                      • Neville

                        Thanks so much MF27 .. Neville

                      • Goldfinch60

                        True words Neville.


                        • Neville

                          Thank you Andy

                        • NafisaSB

                          so very true - you have nailed it my friend
                          keep them coming..

                          • Neville

                            Indeed, I shall endeavour to try & thank you .. Neville

                            • NafisaSB

                              all the very best.. you are most welcome

                            • Alan R

                              How crazy isn’t it?

                              • Neville

                                absolutely .. thank you kindly for noticing Alan .. Neville

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