The Lone Cucumber


Look out outlaws of the fridge,  there's a mew law in town. The "Lone Cucumber"  rides with his faithful companion "Tomato" .  Together they ride, finding spoiled food to bring to justice.   "Hi-ho celerystalk away"

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Comments +


  • Salvia.S

    A hilarious and creative tale of fridge justice! Enjoyed the read.

    • Tony36

      Thank you

    • arqios

      Now that was enjoyable! 🙏🏻🕊

      • Tony36

        Thank you

      • sorenbarrett

        Creative, fun. I loved it.

        • Tony36

          Thank you

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          LOL! Tony, I believe you may have just revived a new season of Veggie Tales. I miss Bob and Larry! 🤣 Well done on this, my friend! 🍅🥒🥬

        • Poetic Licence

          That is very funny

        • John Prophet


          • Tony36

            Thank you

          • Goldfinch60

            Hi-Ho Silver, away we go looking for cucumbers Tony.


            • Tony36

              Thank you

            • whats write for me

              Haha, riding rough shod over the veggie-terrain!

              • Tony36

                Thank you

              • Cassie58

                Well that was indeed fun and very creative Tony. Nicely expressed.

                • Tony36

                  Thank you

                • RSM0812

                  Sounds like a bachelor's fridge. Lol

                • RSM0812

                  Except you didn't mention the single half filled can of beer.

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