

Here's some examples - add your own

Some true - some may not be.


A person actually did not dot his 'i's when writing

As he said he wanted to save ink (true)


A Lady to a servant - 

Now, look, you've forgotten

To dip those strawberries in sugar

For my pet monkeys (true)


If a Fire Door notice says

'Keep Closed at all times'

How we gonna get out if there's a fire?


I always save money

I find the Pound Shop - £1 (or Dollar Shop $1?) very expensive

I always go to the 99p shop (or 99 cents shop?)

And save 1p each time (or 1 cent?)


What I want to know is:

Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?

Can't it be abbreviated?


How did you spend that extra second we had one year?

I spent it well - 

I flew round the word 5,493 times

Went to the Moon and back 3,846 times

And took 8,483 trips on the No.7 bus

All in that one second!


A person sort of held a church to ransom - 

Let me show my holiday slides of the Holy Land

During a service

[Though it may bore ya - most of the photos show me, me, me]

Or else I will withdraw a grant of money I made to ya (true)


Meanwhile - I'm trying to hack off

This ball and chain KP put on me leg

She threw away the key to the lock on it!



  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 3rd, 2025 03:39
  • Comment from author about the poem: More barminess and nuttiness!
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 14
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  • arqios

    Good write O. According to Mum I was born eccentric, πŸ˜‚ lolπŸ™πŸ»πŸ•ŠοΈ

    • orchidee

      Thank you A.

      • arqios

        You’re welcome O.

      • sorenbarrett

        Always liked being balmy it helps with the bitterness of life a bit like sugar in the tea. Loved this one Orchi

        • orchidee

          Thank you SB. And KP regularly fusses if her servant (that'll be me!) forgets the sugar for HER pet monkey's strawberries. Haven't the idle rich got better things to do?!

        • Poetic Licence

          An entertaining write and i enjoyed the read

        • Tristan Robert Lange

          There is not an eccentric bone in my body. None. I swear! 😜 But, better to have eccentricities flowing through your body than electricities. So...there's that! πŸ˜‚ Enjoyed this, my friend.

          • orchidee

            Thank you T. Yes - are you someone who gets an electric shock, and then a light bulb appears above your head, saying 'IDEA!? lol.
            A dark eccentric joke: 'Ohh, I shouldn't try suicide, my dear; it'll hurt terribly'. heehee.

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              LOL on both of those, my friend! 🀣 Dark humor has its home with me, for sure! That may be the I understand why my wife has been using shock therapy on me all these years. ⚑️😱⚑️

              • orchidee

                It could only happen to me - I phoned The Samaritans (a UK help group, including help to the suicidal) - they were engaged! Doh!!! (another dark joke there).

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  LOL! Nothing like feeling like a wallflower when phoning a literal "life" line. 😱🀣

                • Neville

                  You are more nutty than a big bar of Cadburys fruit & nut .. but I must confess, I did kind of like this .. maybe ..

                  • orchidee

                    Thank you N. lol.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    What if.........?

                    • orchidee

                      Thank you Gold. You know the Kipling poem 'If....?' Not read it fully myself.

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