This is Where Spring Begins – Haru Ga Hajimaru


This is Where Spring Begins – Haru Ga Hajimaru


In the heat of that particular moment,

he recalled, how he had once

traced her name, with the warm pad

of his index finger, in the thin

film of ice, that had formed overnight

on the inside of their shared

bedroom window .. And then, how she

had turned into him, all smiley

   and snug before whispering haru ga hajimaru ..


Haru Ga Hajimaru – This is Where Spring Begins


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  • Poetic Licence

    Ivvocatative, sensual and beautiful, love this one

    • Neville

      Many serious thank you's PL .. very muchly appreciated if you don't mind me saying so .. Neville

      • Poetic Licence

        You are very welcome

      • sorenbarrett

        Once again Neville you invoke your mastery of symbolism and metaphor to enchant a poem. This one even feels oriental before one reaches the line. You have taken past and present, warm and cold, the foggy aspect of what is normally clear glass, ice and spring and tied them into a relationship with implied sensuality. A lovely magic trick conjuring up many a fanciful vision. Lovely

        • Neville

          Thank you BIG TIME .. I owe ya & truly .. Neville

        • orchidee

          I whisper Hari Kiri - or summat like that, the Japanese thing, being married to KP, and that's a fact! (is it? lol).

          • Neville

            You are a rotter sir & I hope she gives you rot for the moment you get back home to your hutch ..

          • Cheeky Missy

            Ooh! On Hina Matsuri no less...! Exquisite and seductive, rendered charmingly with gorgeous imagery and a delicious poignancy. Thank you for sharing!

            • Neville

              Dōmo arigatō, Misshī .. Watashi no yūjin ni totemo kansha shite imasu .. Nebiru 😉👍

            • Tristan Robert Lange

              Love this and the formatting...brilliant. The opening is the title. Then the poem leads back to the opening. Love it! An easy fave for me, my friend. Well done! 🌹👏

              • Neville

                Many thanks my fine literary & very generous friend .. Neville

                • Tristan Robert Lange

                  You are most welcome.

                • Cassie58

                  Love that image. His index finger tracing her name through a film of thin ice on window glass. There are contrasts here between cold and heat, which work so well. Plenty of symbolism and spring is a time for new beginnings and growth. A perfectly lovely poem Neville.

                  • Neville

                    Thanks Cassie, I am truly glad you stopped by .. Neville

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Enjoy your life Neville, Spring brings joy.


                    • Neville

                      Don't get me wrong, I know that I am a very lucky man and am more often content than ever miserable .. but thank you for your concern .. Neville 🍷👍

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