

Always been crazy, used to talk to God
Under box cars slept lazy, others thought me odd
Walked broken ledges, in dark of night 
Made no pledges, never thought it right

Wadded white water, though I didn't swim too well
Bare foot, rats did slaughter, stomped 'em all to hell
Without a job married young, set myself on fire
Grabbed a wasp nest, stung, in an argument called myself a liar

Made my bed with snakes, slept in snow
drove without brakes, hair on my chin won't grow
Drove fast when I was hazy in the brain
Yes, I'm crazy, it's the only thing keeps me from being insane

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  • Teddy.15

    Well I'd say you are perfectly normal then. 🤣 How wonderfully written, I'd say we were definitely two peas in a pod. 💜 Fabulous humour and imagery. Chuckled all the way 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks so much Teddy for the support and most kind words they are always appreciated.

    • Cassie58

      A risk taker I would say and without that some opportunities would slip by and be lost forever. This is such a fun poem and I love that a little crazy can keep you sane. Now setting yourself on fire, now that’s a different league altogether. I will admit to talking to God before I found out he wasn’t listening:) Much enjoyed sorenbarrett. Happy Wednesday.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Cassie for the read and most kind remarks they are always appreciated.

      • David Wakeling

        This certainly is a close look in the mirror. Some this seems tough on yourself but the resolution is clever.Excellent

        • sorenbarrett

          Thanks David for the read and support yea what's life worth if you can't smile?

        • arqios

          Had a season or so of such living, much like many a young adult in the 50s, 60s, and even the 70s. Calls to mind such names as McQueen, Dean, Brando, etc. 🙏🏻🕊

          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks so much Cryptic. Indeed those were my years and they burned out in the 70's into a fire hardened iron bar kept in the corner for future use.

            • arqios

              Your welcome Soren 🙏🏻🕊

            • MDStone

              You know the old saying… “You don’t have to be crazy to belong here… but it helps.” Isn’t it true that a little “crazy” helps you stay sane. Thanks for the fun, Soren, enjoyed the read.

              • sorenbarrett

                Thanks MD for the read and kind support it is always appreciated.

              • Poetic Licence

                Without risks nothing gained, I think a little crazy is certainly better than insanity, loved the read

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thanks so much for the read and kind words your visits are always highly anticipated and appreciated

                  • Poetic Licence

                    You are very welcome

                  • Lorenz

                    Historical word !

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thank you Lorenz appreciate you words of encouragement.

                    • Accidental Poet

                      Ill venture that to be crazy is to be Human. 😁

                      • sorenbarrett

                        Indeed you have grasped the meaning in one word. Thank you so much for the read and comment it is deeply appreciated.

                      • Friendship

                        Powerful Poem, Soren, your poem is a treasure trove of vivid imagery, painting breathtaking scenes like "wadded white water" and "made my bed with snakes." These images evoke a profound sense of the speaker's turbulent life, inspiring us to reflect on our own journeys. The "wasp nest" serves as a powerful metaphor for self-inflicted pain or conflict, illuminating the complexity of self-discovery. The phrase "others thought me odd" gives a sense of external judgment, highlighting societal perceptions of normalcy and encouraging us to embrace our individuality. The rhythm adds a melodic quality to the poem, uplifting our spirits. Soren, sometimes we get caught up in our own little world and never realize how others are rising above their struggles in life and just need our empathy and understanding, and most of all, knowing that their feelings are truly valid.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          So perceptive and insightful thank you so much for the read and interpretation. You have gone way below the surface and uncovered meaning that the casual reader will not see. It is most appreciated.

                        • NinjaGirl

                          You've got to have some sort of adventure in life, right? I love this, I'd say chaotic crazy!

                          • sorenbarrett

                            Thanks Ninja for the read and and comment your words are important to me.

                          • Thomas W Case

                            Superb. We are all crazy. Love the alliteration in this piece.

                            • sorenbarrett

                              Thanks Thomas appreciate it.

                            • Neville

                              There’s a hell of a lot here that reminds me of me .. some of which I am happy about but others I would much rather forget .. I think it is great and can see why so many people have faved it .. Neville 😎👍

                              • sorenbarrett

                                Thanks so much Neville we are all made up of what we have lived and what we were born. Appreciate the read wishing you a good day

                              • Mutley Ravishes

                                So you carried on testing the limits after departing childhood?! That's the spirit!

                                • sorenbarrett

                                  Every day. Thanks so much for the read and comment they are appreciated

                                • Salvia.S

                                  Powerful and intense poem!

                                  • sorenbarrett

                                    Thank you for the read and kind words of comment they are always most appreciated

                                  • Goldfinch60

                                    Craze away soren, it is a way of seeing life.


                                    • sorenbarrett

                                      Thanks Gold we all need our idiosyncrasies that is what makes us who we are. Appreciate the read and kind words

                                    • Doggerel Dave

                                      Now that's what I'm talking about, Soren....

                                      • sorenbarrett

                                        Ya have to be broken to be fixed. Thanks for the read Dave, I always appreciate your support

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