Today, Tomorrow, Last Year?


I'm a confused laddie!

Is it today, tomorrow, or last year?

Today, this very day, I mean

What day is it? What year? What Century?!


I dunno

I dunno if I'm coming or going

On the way to town, I met myself coming back (eh?)


Here's a saying - not original by me though:

'Tomorrow is the day you worried about yesterday'

Or summat like that

One version has it as:

'Tomorrow is the day you worried about tomorrow'

Eh? Work that one out!


Told ya I'm confused!

Fido of course is never confused

Seeing as he is a fount of all wisdom

He knows 99% of all there is to know

Who knows the other 1%? - me!!

Well, I only got 3 brain cells you see

Fido has 300 trillion or more


Why can we never find 'tomorrow'?

When it gets here, it's 'today'

And why can we never find 'this moment in time'?

Cos the next moment it's, well, 'the next moment'

If we must be exact!


I'm the guy who spent so long finding out what 'carpe diem' meant

That by the time I found out, it was bedtime

And no day left to seize - Doh!


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 13th, 2025 03:09
  • Comment from author about the poem: More nuttiness!
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 23
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy
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  • sorenbarrett

    Everybody loves somebody that knows less than they do, or at least what they think they know. A fun read Orchi.

    • orchidee

      Thank you SB. lol.

    • arqios

      Nuttiness you can enjoy! Others can’t get away with it like you do, O… must be a gift πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Šseize the sleep πŸ’€ at night

      • orchidee

        Thank you A. Ohh, we have to laugh at our own jokes too - in case no one else laughs at them! lol.

      • Poetic Licence

        An entertaining way of saying tomorrow never comes, really enjoyed the read

      • Tristan Robert Lange

        Fun read, Orchi! If you miss the day you can always carpe noctem...just saying. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

        • orchidee

          Thanks T. I thought the carpe bit was summat to do with fish. I spent all day in an encyclopedia of fish. Doh!

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            LOL! I hear they're yummy...but I do believe the fish is missing the 'e'. Sigh. πŸ™„ What you seem to have needed was a dictionary! 🀣 But hey, I bet you can really tell me about that breed of fish now! 🐠 All jokes aside, you are welcome, Orchi!

          • Tony36

            Love it

            • orchidee

              Thank you T.

              • Tony36

                You're welcome

              • Thomas W Case

                Lol. Good stuff.

                • orchidee

                  Thank you T. lol.

                • Neville

                  My Bavarian cuckoo clock is less cuckoo & nutty than you Orchidee .. πŸ‘

                  • orchidee

                    Thanks N. Yes lol.

                  • Jerry Reynolds

                    A fine write, Orchi. Had a good laugh. Thank you very much.

                    • orchidee

                      Thanks Jerry. lol.

                    • Neilton

                      I was confused reading this poem ! But I must admit I enjoyed it very and I kinda agree with you !

                      • orchidee

                        Thank you N. lol.

                      • NafisaSB

                        keep waiting - but till then seize the day and moment, and enjoy

                        • orchidee

                          Thank you N.

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