The Dog Ate My Poem (An Ode to World Poetry Day)

Tom Dylan

Notice of absence from Tom Dylan
Sorry if there is a delay in responses. Sometimes life gets in the way. As John Lennon said, life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

Here’s to World Poetry Day!


It’s World Poetry Day this month,

how very exciting!

I’ll have to see about coming up

with a little ditty in honour of the day.


I will write a sonnet, perhaps a series of haiku,

or maybe a villanelle.

I will try and capture in verse

just what poetry means to me,

how the ‘best words in the best order’,

have given me so much over the years,


about how the greats have inspired me,

I will wax lyrical about the

wonder of Wordsworth,

Whitman, Dickinson and Keats,

Dylan Thomas and John Cooper Clarke.

How their words move and motivate

more than I can say,

how they shine like a light in the dark.


When is the big day exactly?

World Poetry day is Friday 21st March.


I check the calendar.

Friday 21st March?

Wait, that’s today?


I scramble around for my pen and paper,

like that late-for-school school-kid

who hasn’t done his homework,

like a husband who has forgotten

his wedding anniversary.


I arrive at the venue as the event is starting,

clutching my feeble scribblings,

these crumpled pages,

my last-minute poem,

the literary equivalent

of petrol-station flowers.

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Comments +


  • orchidee

    Good write Tom. I only know Joe Bloggs. Is he a famous poet? lol.

    • Tom Dylan

      Haha! Joe Bloggs.. a guy I work with always talks about Joe Public. πŸ™‚ Thanks as always for your comments. Cheers, Tom.

    • sorenbarrett

      Tom the feel of this is so down to earth and common day. Although about a special day just like all other special days we tend to forget until reminded on top of the hour and we end up with petrol station flowers. A most identifiable poem

      • Tom Dylan

        I noticed it was World Poetry Day earlier in the week. I thought, that does not leave much time, and then decided that that would be the idea of the poem. Thanks as always for your comments, Soren. Really appreciated.

      • Poetic Licence

        We are all guilty of remembering things at the last minute and hunting out those petrol station flowers, very enjoyable read

        • Tom Dylan

          We certainly have. Thanks so much, mate. Really appreciate your comments. Cheers.

          • Poetic Licence

            You are very welcome

          • arqios

            Brings me back to my first scrapes with poetry, at preschool: memorising and declaiming poems in front of school assembly. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

            • Tom Dylan

              I never did poetry at school. I used to think that was a shame, but maybe that is why I am interested in poetry, rather than have it ruined by my school days. πŸ™‚ Thanks as always for your comments, mate. Really appreciated.

              • arqios

                You’re right there, Tom. It could’ve backfired. I only got into Shakespeare after university literature, when I was no longer coerced πŸ˜‚PTSD much πŸ™πŸ»πŸ•Š

                • Tom Dylan

                  Yes, that is exactly it. Spot on. We never did Shakespeare either. Again, I came to it as an adult and love it. I was forced to read Charles Dickens at school and not a fan for that reason.

                  • arqios

                    Oh dear. So much could be done with our education system but we have other priorities, it would seem… at least we’ve realised our literary connections rather than not at allπŸ•ŠπŸ™πŸ»

                  • Tristan Robert Lange

                    Reminds me of the ones who got me into poetry to begin with. Well, as a real young one, there is Saint Dr. Seuss and Saint Shel Silverstein as a middle schooler. I looked up to my great-Grandma who was a poet and animal rights activist. And then there came Edgar Allan Poe, Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, and I would be remiss to not mention Jim Morrison, who helped me find Baudelaire among others. Sylvia Plath. The list just mushroomed from there and my writing developed along the way from 14 years old onward. So, with all of that now said, happy World Poetry Day, Tom! A fitting poem! πŸ™πŸ¦β€β¬›πŸ–€

                    • Tom Dylan

                      So cool that you have been into poetry for years. I have always been into writing stories and have only come to poetry fairly recently. I love Poe and Frost too. Love their poems. And yeah, Mr Mojo Rising too. I am a massive Doors fan. Thanks so much for your comments, mate.

                      • Tristan Robert Lange

                        Me too, my friend! "Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings smooth as ravens claws." Cheers, Tom! You are most welcome. We def have some rocking things in common no matter how we got here! Glad our artistic paths have crossed!

                      • Accidental Poet

                        Ok, tell the dog to cough it up. Maybe he'll start writing poetry too. Great write Tom. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

                        • Tom Dylan

                          Thanks a lot for your comments, AP. Really appreciated. Cheers, Tom.

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Great words to celebrate the day Tom.


                          • Tom Dylan

                            Thanks so much, Andy. Really appreciated.

                          • Cheeky Missy

                            Ah, and the insanity known as my "life" keeping me in the dark until tis twa days past, what shall I answer for myself? Funny, it's been too crazy. Guess my two shall hafta do. Oh, but I dearly love, love, LOVE how you capably turn aught with the flick of the wrist into a most charming poem. Winsomely rendered with exquisite imagery and a most delicious poignancy, thank you so very much for sharing.

                            • Tom Dylan

                              I realised it was on the Friday, and thought, I would have to get cracking. Then I decided that THAT could be the theme of the poem. πŸ™‚ Thanks for your comments, Missy. Really appreciated.

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