I look at you and my anger rages, like an ocean, a wast sea of wasted feelings and precious time. Hurt by the things you say and do to me, and the things you don't think i hear, or you don't think i'll find out. They always find their way back to me, As the gaps and oceans between us grow wider, vaster, and deeper . As words get between us until neither of us kto do but turn around and look the other way. telling lies to let the other one know who's not hurt the most, when really all it does is tear me up inside. My empty now what to say, and nothings leftheart is screaming, fighting againts the currents of love and hate. pulling awat from each other like the moon and the sun. As we grow further apart, I want to talk, to try and work things out, and repair the rift that keeps growing, but words get in the way.
By: The lovely Shauna Tache
ShaunaTache (
Offline) -
July 15th, 2010 12:39
- Comment from author about the poem: This poem of mine was created for everyone who has a hard with there love
- Category: Love
- Views:
- Users favorite of this poem: lulu
Nice dear
Your inspiration is as big and stron as your love can hold that feeling together..
very nice
Heeey everyone this is shauna's boyfriend she is an amazing poet but sadley she think's that she's not can you please tell her how good she is 🙂
Beautiful. i cant think of any words to describe how beautiful that was but from reading this i'm sure you could. well done.
very descripted.. very nice,, thank you Shauna ; )
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