The Lost Memories..........

broken heart

the memories of past.

 still hurts my heart.

the memories that i want to forget.

strikes my heart like thunder again and again.


i did everything to become the man u want me to be.

everything was crystal clear but what was there u couldn't see

. i was fool to be lost in ur eyes.

every promise u made was simply lie.


u were so caring and honest in the start.

and i didn't realize u were playing with my heart.

those soft voice and those sweet words.

everything is gone now and everything is lost.


  u hold-ed my hands and gave my life some hope.

  i gave u my heart and merciless u broke.

nothing is with me now and nothing is left.

   except the memories of what u have said.

  • Author: tragedy king (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: November 26th, 2010 11:29
  • Comment from author about the poem: i wrotr this poem after my 1st break up... so it means a lot 2 me.
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 68
  • Users favorite of this poem: Cheeky Missy, a soldiers wife13
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  • Cheeky Missy

    Ya, I'll bet it does mean aLOT to you. It is VERY sad....and I hope time has/will softened the pain that you might not be embittered by it, but be able to lend the memories a touch of undeserved forgiveness. I like the bits of end-rhyming you gave it....keep it up!

  • StormyDay

    The best way to move on is to hop right back on the bandwaggon. There is always something better out there. One of my favorite sayings when I'm feeling stuck is "Keep moving forward." I wish for it to give you the hope this phrase has given me. Good luck!

  • aliveinua

    I think the memories are never lost... Somehow we always remember... especially those we once loved... especially those breaking our heart... But as time passes by we do overcome our pain... our sadness... and regain our joy... You've expressed it so nicely that I remembered my own failings... but not with a bad feeling inside... but with hope ... for a better future... for new love perhaps... Your poem though sad gives a ray of hope... Thank you, tragedy king:)

    P.S. Completely forgot I'm on Poems-and-Poetry page... and not some break-up-recovering, sorry:)

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