How to write a bad poem.
Use words that simply rhyme like time and dime,,,
And line after line after line repeat the same line
Repeat your sentences to repeat your point
Without a true interpreter then what is the point!!!
I put no thought into lines without care.
I do not care if tHisss is spelled correctly; I do not care.
I do not care if you even care;
Without love and despair, poets will go nowhere.
Annoy the reader, reader, reader, reader, send them to sleep;
Speak only about other people’s cliché’s and ideals…and sheep.
Say line after line without thinking to read,
Judge someone for their mistakes. Never be truthful and never free.
Never let the words fall onto the page, without feeling;
Never bother to read other poetry and never bother to try reading.
Never speak from the soul, without any kind of meaning.
This is the poem I do not care about…it’s time I was leaving.
(C)2016 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey (
- Published: September 13th, 2016 09:16
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 36
Thanks HARVEY ~ Because Modern Poetry has no rules of rhyme rhythm or reason there is now no such thing as a Bad Poem ! The only categories are Poems ~ Good Poems ~ V Good Poems ~ Excellent Poems. This poem is not a Bad Poem it is just a POEM ~ OK ~ BRIAN Please check my poem ~ POETRY IS ............... ?
This poem is a bad poem because I think it is a bad poem. There are bad poems and this poem just advises some things to avoid to stop a good poem being judged as a bad poem because of errors that should not happen. People want their poetry to be critiqued and not criticized, this is not always possible. Poetry is expression of thought and all thoughts are unique until repeated, so all the poem is saying is be unique, write from your soul and if someone likes it, then ok and if someone does not like it, then that is ok too. All that matters is you take the time to read your poem and make sure you don't put in the errors that so many people do, when they are unnecessary. If everybody writes what everybody else is saying and nobody thinks for themselves, then poetry will cease to exist. Everyone has their own opinion. This is simply mine.
Well said HARVEY. My philosophy is the the SUBJECT of the poem and the PASSION in which it is expressed is more important than the STRUCTURE and adherence to spelling ~ grammar and classical from. HAIKU are important to convey the message of Nature but if they err (in ENGLISH) from 5-7-5 syllables they are still an effective HAIKU provided the content is OK. In a shower an UMBRELA is just as functinal as an UMBRELLA ~ OK. I agree that the greatest prerequisite of a POEM is ORIGINALITY everything else is secondary. Thanks for your riposte ~ BRIAN.
Love it, wonderful write
You caught me. Darn!
Just to be clear with everyone, I'm not judging people for having errors in their poetry, everyone makes mistakes and I am first to admit I am not perfect and do not expect perfection. This was just inspired by reading many poems where the errors stopped me mid-sentence and ruined the flow of the poem for me. Do things your way and ignore what I say...
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