When Time Comes to my Living Room


When time comes to my living room,

And sifts down like running sand,

And I hear the clock ticking,

I consider how my life is spent.


My mind begins to rewind,

 It takes me back to an idyllic time,

Treasured memories lodged inside.

They flicker like

Aqua blue & turquoise green

In the Caribbean sea,

They're  swift as swallows swirling free,

I consider how blessed I've been

To be taken in time’s majestic wings.

  • Author: rrodriguez (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 7th, 2017 01:58
  • Comment from author about the poem: I was inspired to write this poem by my fellow poet Augustus. He wrote a phrase that captivated my thought. He wrote, "The sand is running out of the clock". The poem is about how we age without realizing how swift times has gone. Suddenly, we are confronted by time to reminisce of a time gone by. Enjoy!
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 63
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  • Michael Edwards

    Touches a chord - a lovely flowing write.

  • rrodriguez

    Wow, it's 2:23 am and I'm giving birth to this poem. Thank you for your kind words and for reading my poem.

  • WriteBeLight

    Yes, Augustus does that to people. Makes them think and then they create a masterpiece! Very nice RR. Your picture is great for this "time piece."...:)

  • Tony36

    Awesome write

  • rrodriguez

    Thank you Tony

  • Christina8

    A beautiful poem. I love that it took you back in times "majestic wings"--Christina

  • rrodriguez

    Thank you Christina.


    HOLA SENOR ~ TIME is a great Blessing and Memory enables us to relive each blessed minute. Thanks for sharing ~ AMIGO TUO ~ BRIAN

    • rrodriguez

      Thank you Brian, you were the first poet to welcome me to this site. Thank you my friend!

    • Augustus

      Having inspired someone to write something beautiful I need to acknowledge yet the writing of it and the beauty therein came from my new friend, Roberto. Kudos.

      • rrodriguez

        Thank you my MPS friend Augustus.... I wish I can find you....

      • rrodriguez

        Thank you Christina.

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