The Sum Of Three


There’s three wise Ones I speak to,

I talk to them each day.

They are of the same family,

Who help me find my way.


I ask them for their help,

To calm those troubled minds.

Hard experiences in life,

Facing man and woman kind.


I ask to help the children,

In far-away foreign lands.

Who have lost their brothers,

Life, limbs, legs and hands.


I ask them to feed the hungry,

To avail of so much bounty.

For help to those with eyesight,

Yet, still refuse to see.


To the young with many problems,

Then, contemplate ending life,

That they hold on for much longer,

To show them a guiding light.


I thank the three Ones too,

For all, that’s been given me.

For this I am so grateful,

Again, I thank these three.


So, like today and tomorrow,

Onward towards infinity,

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

All Holy Trinity.


For they make up the One Person,

He’s still here, that’s no doubt.

I’ll stay true, believe in God.

This Divine one with the clout.

  • Author: WriteBeLight (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 18th, 2017 06:26
  • Comment from author about the poem: For Me, The Lord's Prayer provides much comfort and a means to say Thanks for my life. I take both the good and the bad, as I have learned from all experiences, and know I have more to learn.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 65
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  • Christina8

    This is an amazing poem! You include so many people in your prayers who desperately need them. This is definitely one of my favorite poems you've done. God bless!

    • WriteBeLight

      Christina, thanks! I am so happy that you like the poem. I wish blessings to you and your family as well!

    • ron parrish aka wordman

      beautiful thoughts,prayers and asking god to help

      • WriteBeLight

        Thanks Wordman. I do say the Lord's Prayer everyday. I had it memorized all these years when I went to confession as a kid. I was always given that prayer and the Hail Mary. I appreciate your comment. 🙂

        • ron parrish aka wordman

          not real familiar with the catholic beliefs ,the lords prayer i know,the hail mary i have heard of.. and you are welcome

        • P.H.Rose

          Very good WBL
          Very good indeed...

        • Michael Edwards

          Beautifully crafted and even though I am not a Christian I really enjoyed the sentiments so well expressed.

          • WriteBeLight

            Thanks Michael. I felt good putting it down into words. I am not an over-zealous person, but I do find comfort in the Lord's Prayer.

          • Tony36

            Beautifully crafted and expressed. A joy to read

            • WriteBeLight

              Thanks so much Tony!

              • Tony36


              • Augustus

                Kat said it. Brilliant and I would add beautiful.

              • Fay Slimm.

                The victims of world disorder are listed so carefully in your verse and reading the lines shows much compassion for the many who need our prayers. A lovely read.

                • WriteBeLight

                  Thanks Fay. I had so many victims in mind, as well as a line about the not-so-thoughtful. Thanks so much for your comment!

                • LIGHT WARRIOR

                  Beautifully done!

                  • WriteBeLight

                    Thanks Pharaoh! I am glad you stopped by. I have been reading your recent posts. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it.

                  • BRIAN & ANGELA

                    AMEN SISTER ~ Thanks for reminding us of the importance of the TRINITY (Father ~ Son ~ Holy Spirit) when we pray ! We pray in the SPIRIT (who indwells us) through the Mediator the SON (the Lord Jesus Christ) to God the Father who hears and answers all our Prayers. It is the same with Scripture ~ It's is the Word of God the Father ~ inspired by the Holy Spirit and its great subject is the SON (Jesus Christ) concealed in the OLD Testament and revealed in the NEW ~ AMEN. Thanks for caring ~ BRIAN

                    • WriteBeLight

                      Thanks Brian and Amen to you, as well. I appreciate your input.

                    • Sefrin

                      This is an astonishing read. Splendid work! You shine a great light in a dreary time with your words.

                      • WriteBeLight

                        That is so kind of you to say. Thank you so very much!

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