R  RIGHTEOUSNESS  exalts a Nation

I   I  BELIEVE that to make AMERICA

G  GREAT  AGAIN it is not ECONOMICS but the

H  HEARTS of the PEOPLE that need

T  TO CHANGE !  Also to make BRITAIN GREAT again

E  EVERYONE ~ in these two GREAT COUNTRIES ~ should

O  OPEN their hearts and minds to the Will of God

U  UNION  between us should be based on

S  SPIRITUAL VALUES of Peace ~ Love ~ Trust

N  NOW & FOREVER ! In Trade and Commerce also in

E  EXCHANGE  of People in Education ~ Science ~The Arts

S  SPIRITUAL ISSUES ~ because Righteousness and Truth are

S  SURE to make both our Nations ~ GREAT AGAIN ~ AMEN




Thanks for reading ~ Comments welcome ~ LOVE ON SUNDAY ~ BRIAN 

  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 22nd, 2017 04:09
  • Comment from author about the poem: To "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" and to put the GREAT back in GREAT BRITAIN again ~ is not and ECONOMIC REVIVAL but a SPIRITUAL ONE ! Whatshall it profit a MAN if he gain the Whole World but lose his OWN SOUL ! We live in changing times and only time will tell if we chose to worship GOD or MONEY ! Comments welcome ~ SUNDAY LOVE TO ALL ~ BRIAN
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 39
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  • Michael Edwards

    Such interesting times for both our countries both of which now have new mandates - well expressed Brian


      Thanks MICHAEL ~ for another encouraging comment. The choice id ours UK & USA ~ God or Money ! Yours BRIAN

    • Fay Slimm.

      Spiritual values win out every time Brian - - a wonderful encouragement to put righteousness first. A really compelling read.

      • BRIAN & ANGELA

        Thanks for your comment FAY ~ much appreciated ~ BRIAN

      • WriteBeLight

        Two great countries!

        • BRIAN & ANGELA

          Thanks HONEY ~ Two great Countries ~ Divided by a common language ~ but united by a common FAITH ~ AMEN ~ Yours BRIAN

          • WriteBeLight

            Very true!

          • tadpole

            Hello Brian, a very cleverly worked out poem and one that gives us all hope for the future. Thank you for your comment. Nice to meet you.

            • BRIAN & ANGELA

              Thanks TADPOLE ~ nice to meet you too ~ Thanks for your comment ! I am sure you will enjoy MPS ~ There are lots of good poets ~ Yours BRIAN (UK)

            • Christina8

              Great acrostic, Brian! I hope our countries work together for the greater good! Basing them on spiritual values would be great. As Michael said, this poem is well expressed. Great job! Hugs in spirit-Christina

              • BRIAN & ANGELA

                Thanks CHRIS fora nice comment. As you know (historically) the UK and the USA were Allies in WW2 and supported each other to the death. We supported the USA 100% during the COLD WAR and since in Iraq & Afghanistan ~ REGAN & THATCHER were both RIGHT WING and worked well together REPUBLICANS & CONSERVATIVES ~ This is true of TRUMP & MAY so in essence there are no Political Barriers only Trade Barriers. I think they will work well together ! THERESA MAY is a Committed Christian (Her Dad was a Minister !) so her values are SPIRITUAL ! I am encouraging everyone to pray 24/7 for TRUMP & PENCE (Who is also a Committed Christian). GOD is Sovereign and is fully aware of the difficult future both our Countries Face ~ AMEN Hugs in the Spirit ~ BRIAN

              • Augustus

                Troubled times, troubled men, we all pray for peace again. Nicely done.

                • BRIAN & ANGELA

                  Thanks "A" ~ There are more things wrought by PRAYER than this World dreams of ~ AMEN Brian

                • ron parrish aka wordman

                  the format is great,the words are right on

                  • BRIAN & ANGELA

                    Thanks WORDMAN ~ If the POEM has a serious MESSAGE (which this one does) I feel it helps if the FORMAT is appropriate ~ THANKS for an encouraging comment ! Yours BRIAN

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