Where do I begin my poem?


Where do I begin my poem …?

Looking around my world,

A universe as an ovum,

Where ideas always swirl;


Or just write of what I know,


Death or desire,

That ebony Labrador,

With tangled briar;

Or the Syrian war;


Or should I begin with,


I remember the night,  

I imagined the rain,

In the early, roseate light

Kissing away my pain;


Or should I start with,


The flesh burnt off

the dying soldiers,

Laying in the bloody trough

As their bodies slowly smolder;


Two worlds I live,


The world inside & outside of me.

Both calling me to enter;

a dream world of silver seas

of buried memories, I remember;


Of life’s history lived,

Forever within & outside;

Always not intricately contrived,

With every thought untied.

I’m still thinking, where do I begin my poem?

  • Author: rrodriguez (Offline Offline)
  • Published: January 29th, 2017 11:09
  • Comment from author about the poem: I started to read a book about writing poems and the question was, Where do I begin my poem? I started writing and this is the result. Enjoy and please comment. I’m still thinking, where do I begin my poem?
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 32
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  • rrodriguez

    I'm honored by your words Kat. I long to make a mark, to leave a legacy... something, somewhere, somehow. Not just live an ordinary life, but a life that impacts at least with my words.

    • Dford1

      I feel the same, and somehow always have regarding the unordinary life. I pretty sure its the plight or perhaps the curse of the poet. It may be my next write. Well done, as always.

      • rrodriguez

        Thank you Dford.

      • notapoet

        Another brilliant piece! But given your talent I'm not surprised. A real pleasure to read, thank you...

        • rrodriguez

          My fellow poets you honor me with accolades reserved for the great. I'm just a poet longing to make a mark in this world of words, of words full of wonder and awe...

        • Michael Edwards

          A problem of which we are all aware - a super piece.

        • rrodriguez

          Thank you Michael.

        • Augustus

          I believe you captured what many of us think about when considering a topic, be it self reflection, world events, war, love, nature,etc. But you do it with such style and elegance. Your world is so vibrant, living, feeling and being. Abrazos.

          • rrodriguez

            Thank you my friend.

          • janetaylor

            the depth of your words strikes at the heart ~ beautiful! each beginning could be a poem in and of itself. you are a talented poet!

          • rrodriguez

            Thank you Jane.

          • MendedFences27

            I think I've read that same book...again and again and again, but never thought to write about it. It takes a poetic mind to recognize the poetic moment.
            My favorite line was "a universe as an ovum" and I also loved the entire fourth stanza..very vivid image.
            Great work. I loved it.- Phil A.

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