30 days ago, You smiled your brightest smile. I held you while you slept, listening to your adorable laugh. 30 days ago, I felt your warm hands hold on to me.
30 days ago, You were peacefully asleep when you took your last breath. My worse fears be came true. You didn't come back, I didn't hear you cry. everything fell apart. 30 days ago i still haven't stopped crying.
30 days ago, i should have spoken up, I could have saved you. Rules were broken, asking for a price no one dares to give, now nothing is the same. 30 days ago who is to blame?
30 days ago,I felt my heart become stone again. I couldn't stop your untimely fate. Am I the one to blame? I'm sorry, I let you fall victim to carelessness. My world became dark. 30 days ago, I lost my purpose.
30 days ago, You turned cold. No blanket could warm you. You didn't scream for me. I couldn't find you. Now I can't breath. I fear the dark. 30 days ago, Who can save me?
30 days ago, I said goodnight, instead of goodbye. i didn't expect to lose you. My throat dry with words that should have been said, I whispered what should have been screams. My family paid the ultimate price. 30 days ago, that price was unfortunately you...
Isabel Chelisia Villa (
- Published: February 14th, 2017 11:45
- Comment from author about the poem: this poem is for anyone who has lost a great deal. wither that be a person, pet, and or both. for me as the writer, 30 days ago is about losing my 4 month old brother. he was such a beautiful baby, when i would come home from school his face would instantly light up. just from how he acted, my family knew he was going to be a good kind person.
- Category: Letter
- Views: 50
thank you both, and i will
Tragic and hits brutally hard. A most beautiful tribute and reminder that life is truly fragile and precious. Thank you for that reminder. Welcome to MPS and I look forward to more!
WELCOME FRIEND ~ THANKS FOR YOUR VERY POIGNANT FIRST POEM. When i was 16 the death of anyone close to me was very painful to comprehend. BUT they were all over 50 ~ I don't think I could have coped with the "passing away" of a BABY ~ especially a BROTHER or a SISTER. In later life I have experienced baby deaths in my extended Family and it is always heart rending. Your experience has spawned a beautiful Poem ~ I trust you found it cathartic. Thanks for caring and sharing your love & remorse for your Baby Brother ~ Blessings ~ thinking of you ~ BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks BRIAN
I am sorry for your lost. I know how it feels to lose the one you love so much whether it be family or friends. I've lost much of my family, and every time I even think about them I bawl. My parents are always working so my 2 year old brother would stay home with all of the other 5 siblings. i was out running one day, and my brother was just "watching" him, and well my younger brother. He got out of the house, and so many thoughts came to mind. we found him, but my parents never trusted my older brother watch him again. i'm here to talk because I've lost so much family and friends. I know how difficult it is.
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