My love song

Aa Harvey

My love song.



This is my love song,

For you and you only.

Even if all I do is wrong,

You would still be right for me.



I want to love you more,

Than anyone has before.

Come on and hold me close,

For you I would simply adore.



This is my love song, for you my beautiful.

This is my love song, for you are truly wonderful.

All my love; all my love;

You have, all my love, for you are beautiful.



Kiss me on the lips,

Because your touch I miss.

I love your everything;

My angel you are priceless.



This is my love song,

For you and you only.

Even if all I do is wrong,

You would still be right for me.



This is my love song, for you my beautiful.

This is my love song, for you are truly wonderful.

All my love; all my love;

You have, all my love, for you are beautiful.



(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.


  • Author: Aa Harvey (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 8th, 2017 11:15
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 30
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  • kaychee

    OMG. Now I feel loved and beautiful. 😁 I love this poem Aa Harvey!

    • Aa Harvey

      Thank you. Now I feel loved too 🙂

    • lost-but-not-broken17

      Put a smile on my face this is amazing(: Lets everyone stop and think and look inside them.

    • Augustus

      Great love message.

    • Goldfinch60

      Good lovelorn write.

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