Fits tune and hymn title: 'Will your anchor hold?'
Here a tune to sing
And my praise to bring
To you, my Lord, King
Now let voices ring
Tell that you atone
Only you alone
You save us, redeem
Shine your light's bright beam
We have salvation, redemption too
Christ comes to us, and makes us anew
Trust unto His love, His wondrous plan
Showed, revealed to each child, woman, and man
Come now, search my heart
Look in every part
Bring forgiveness where
Dim our faith or care
And re-light a flame
That burns for your name
River's waters flow
From us, we you know - Chorus
Yet will still be so
First you us did know
Came to seek us out
And to leave no doubt
That in love to save
You your all you gave
To save such as me
And to set me free - Chorus
Strike a tuneful note
There it buoy and float
Like a life-belt ring
Unto you we sing
Songs of sins forgiven
And hopes of heaven
To me, for many
Not to lose any - Chorus
Fervent praises due
Always unto you
For eternal life
You grant us, no strife
'Til your kingdom come
And your will be done
Give your Spirit's power
To us every hour - Chorus
orchidee (
- Published: March 30th, 2017 11:00
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem with verses in metre, and chorus in metre. The verse could also be in metre. A rip-roaring hymn known to Boys Brigades it seems, though I was not in one myself.
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 61
Thanks for sharing BROTHER ~ this is areal golden oldie ~ which i think my Parents used to sing. Wonderful words in the original and in the excellent poem you have written ~ in the same metre. Gospel Gladness is indeed that "Christ is the answer to our every need". Chrisianity is alive and well in England but increasingly has to compete with secularism and false Religions such as Islam etc. One of the many things I love about this site is that when we post a spiritual poem it is not ridiculed but receives positive and encouraging comments. Also there are many members who are Committed Christians ~ AMEN Yours BRIAN
Thanks B.
Yep, it's quite old Brian. I traced it back to 1882. But not as old as some hymn tunes that I use!
Thanks BROTHER ~ the old ones are the best especially the 800 written by Charles Wesley. Its the same with secular ballads the best ones (Crosby ~ Sinatra ~ Dean Martin ~ Elvis ~ Nat king Cole ~ Johnny Cssh ~ Jim Reeves ~ Tom Jones ~ Engelbert ~ Bob Dylan etc ~ My parents and Grandparents loved all these and I have some on CD's to give talks to pensioners Groups. The only ones left ~ of that American era ~ are Bob Dylan and Tony Bennett (b 1926) now 90 and singing as good as ever ! With those Ballad Singers the songs told a Story and you could hear every word ! They all tried to sing like Crosby (born 1903). Its the same with HYMNS th Golden Oldies are theologically correct ~ some of the modern ones ar very repetative and often shallow ! I'm beginning to sound like my DAD ! Yours BRIAN
Well written and expressed Great write
Good write.
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