When I awoke this bright Morning

I praised GOD for all His Blessings

I resolved to tell everyone !

That GOD is Good ~ that GOD is Love


My language is inadequate

My songs of praise ~ often off-key!

But ~ morning bird-song praises You

Trees and flowers show your Glory


The green hills and soaring mountains 

Valleys and plains ~ lakes and rivers

The vast oceans that pound our shores

Proclaim your greatness ~ O MY GOD !





Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Blessings ~ BRIAN


This Poem is a Blank verse 4 4 4 2 Sonnet ~ OK


This Poem is a paraphrase on PSALM 89 ~ ENJOY

  • Author: BRIANSODES (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 9th, 2017 02:47
  • Comment from author about the poem: The Book of Psalms is at the centre of the BIBLE and is the most beautiful Book of Poetry ever written. It is full of praise to our Creator God ~ His Glory and His Love. There are only 150 Psalms but thousands of hymns have been based on them. Each Sunday I write a poem based on a Psalm. This is to uplift our hearts and minds ~ not only for SUNDAY ~ but the whole week. Thanks for your comments ~ much appreciated. There is much to Praise God for ~ but also much to pray to God about ! Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria and the consequences of Presidents Trump's military response. The widening ideological gap between Russia and the UK & USA. Terrorist activities in London and Stockholm etc. We all need to be more vigilant and more prayerful. Comments welcome ~ Love ~ Peace ~ Joy ~ BRIAN XOX
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 94
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  • Goldfinch60

    Off to the Palm Sunday Service soon, Alleluia!


      Thanks for your response BROTHER ! I find that regular attendance at the Services of my local Church is very important to my Christian growth and development. It is also important to meet my neighbours who are Christians ~ so we can pray for our Town and its Communities. Every Blessing on PALM SUNDAY ~ BRIAN

    • orchidee

      A fine write. One of mine is based on part of Psalm 89. Near the end of it there's a 'but' and the tone changes - not the musical tone! Some parts of some Psalms seem tricky to write joyful poems on.

      • BRIAN & ANGELA

        That is true "O" ! There is so so much melancholy poetry on MPS ~ I try to inject a bit of joy and praise ~ to encourage the depressed. Hence I try to bring out all the JOY & PRAISE there is in the PSALMS and ignore the angst ! BRIAN

        • orchidee

          Thanks B. I read a commentary that's there's reasons for parts of the Psalms that have, as an article said
          'Self-justification, vengeance and cursing in the Psalms', some of which is due to Old Testament ways of thinking. Yet all of human life is there. So we know David and other Psalm-writers did not have it all cosy and sweet. Erm, the angst bits are not - what's the word? - 'agreeable' for joyful themes! Go up to about verse 37, with Psalm 89! You will see the 'but' after that.

        • willyweed

          a wonderful blessing for this sacred day and time. thanks Brain

        • Christina8

          Wonderful poem especially during times like these. When you say "my language is inadequate", I too feel like words cannot express how good God is and how He works through us. Good one! Spiritual hug--Christina

          • BRIAN & ANGELA

            THANKS CHRIS ~ For very encouraging reply ! I love tis site because Spiritual Poems are always appreciated ~ Hugs in the Spirit ~ BRIAN

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