When I crawl into bed I'm another person
The switch is turned off
The mask lays on the floor
And all my plastic melts away
Until I am nothing but a soul in a shell of a person
I think of ending my life as my skin grazes the sheets
The other half of me horrified
Wondering how I could honestly wish for such things
I was told as a child to never trust your first thought
For it is only what has been taught to you by society,
And your second thought is what you truly want.
However I know for sure I don't want to live
I don't want to breathe another day
And walk the same streets as everyone else
I don't want to see another cloud in the sky
Or feel the suns rays against my face
Everything I used to love
Now feels repetitive and old
I know that I am done on this earth
Everyone has their number of days here
And I have lived all of mine
I know that I want to just leave
But to leave the state, country, or planet, I'm not sure.
sp00kz (
- Published: April 19th, 2017 01:32
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 68
- Users favorite of this poem: ShittyPoet, Angel Smileyface
WELCOME SPOOKZ (love you pen name !) Thanks for your first poem ~ which is in essence very SPOOKY ~ There are two States here the state of your mind (which is terminal ?) and the State of the USA you live in ! In my experience ~ Some are better than others but they all have something unique to offer like Mobile ALABAMA ! Two thirds of the Worlds population would love to live in the USA ! Planetwise EARTH is the only habitable one THERE IS NOWHERE ELSE TO GO ! I live in the UK and as I get older life is "repetitive and old" ~ BUT ~ I count my blessings ~ get of of bed (most people DIE in bed !) its 7am get ready for work and (if I'm honest) say THANK GOD I'M STILL ALIVE AND "Seize the Day" Just for me ~ please lighten up ~ have a good day ~ Thinking of you ~ Praying for you ~ YOURS BRIAN (UK) Please check my poems ~ Thanks B
Great write, Welcome to MPS
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