

I sit here and ponder life often. While I sit and ponder the varying terrain of each path that life offers, I can’t help but allow thoughts of you to wonder around and get tangled in the everyday endeavors that could be. I will come back to you, for now, lets focus on life.


So many possible destinations to end at, all contingent on variables in and out of our control. Did you catch the key in that phrase? To end. Because life does that, at some point, end. All the endless possibilities that life offers you, the endless places you could end up. It all ends. Happy. Sad. Tranquil. Chaotic. Whatever. It ends, in the end.

Back to you.

You. So much strength in that, the knowing of you. You took my path and twisted it around and altered my descent into to a sharp incline, and the view is beautiful. I realized, while thoughts of you floated around and solidified, that you glided in and integrated into my notion of what life is. Every possible direction that this life, or the alternative lives, can produce, none necessarily end with you, but evolves from having known you. Where life can end, you are endless… my notion of life, indefinitely, is you.

  • Author: jlortiz84 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 4th, 2017 09:54
  • Comment from author about the poem: This is the first time I have shared any of my writings or thoughts. Please be gentle. About this poem; it might appear to be written for a lover, however, it is more about a connection. You can feel love and strong connections for anyone. This was meant to stir emotions about someone that you had/have shared a moment in time that has forever altered your future and how you view life.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 67
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    WELCOME "J" Thanks for your first poem ~ plus your explanatory comment ! I love the sentiments expressed in this challenging Poem ! Each of us have People who have crossed our path ~ sometimes transitory ~ sometimes for duration. I remember an older Lady who taught me about love and how to treat (and in a measure) to understand Girls ~ I remember a Professor (who I am still in touch with) who taught me that the Periodic Table unlocks ALL the Mysteries of Chemistry and that DNA was just a simple organic polymer like nylon or rubber ~ I remember an Evangelist who taught that GOD was accessible and Prayer a reality and that the BIBLE really was the Word of God ! I could go on but your poem stirred many memories of the last 20 years ! Thanks for caring and sharing ~ BRIAN (UK) Please check my Poems ~ Thanks B.

    • jlortiz84

      Thank you for your encouraging comment. My writing skills are a little rusty. I have let the business of life distract me from my writing for almost 10 years. I was never the professional, however, I do love it! Time just seems to slip away; the oily thing that it is. I can not wait to explore this site further and see what everyone has to offer.

    • WriteBeLight

      We all deal with relationships and they can be a joy or full of frustration. Great way of expressing this.

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