Fits tune: Wareham
(one tune to 'Jesus where'er thy people meet')
Part of 1 Corinthians Chapter 14
Just five plain words now do say I
For they be sure to edify
More than ten thousand in tongues when
I speak, unless interpreter then
For Lord, when your people do meet
We in your name each other greet
With gifts shared, psalms, and doctrines too
And revelations shown anew
Tongues there are too, and so the need
For interpretation, to feed
People of God gathered in one
Worshipping God and Christ His Son
His Spirit lives in us, within
Our hearts, and draws us from our sin
For holy He, His love and power
Strengthens and sanctifies each hour
For all may prophesy, and speak
Submit to each other, be meek
Learn, grow, abide in Christ the vine
So fruit produced, pleasant and fine
"Jesus is Saviour, Lord of all"
Here five, six words, any may call
Upon Him today, He saves alway
'Til dawning of eternal day
orchidee (
- Published: May 8th, 2017 10:41
- Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in 88 88 metre = Long Metre (LM).
- Category: Spiritual
- Views: 31
The great Spirit of truth certainly lives within us dear friend if we allow its entrance - - a lovely expression of
faith as a version of scriptural text.
Thanks F. In me mad moments though - why use 5 words when 50 will do? heehee.
Spiritual truth , for if you have the word of God in you you must let it out .
Thanks S.
Such a love you have for the Lord orchidee!
Thanks WBL.
Thanks STEVEN for another lovely tune ~ and a new set of words based on I Corinthians 4 which deals with Spiritual Gifts. On the day of Pentecost the Disciples spoke in other known languages ~ Tongues of Men so that everyone could hear the message ! In NT Times Christians also spoke in Heavenly Language (GLOSSOLALIA) which required interpretation ! It is a cotravesial subject ! I have been in Christian Meetings where people have spoken in tongues (wih interpretation) and it didn't phase me ! I have attended the TRIDENTINE MASS where it is all in Latin and very beautiful linguistically (which i do understand) and also The Mass in Italian ~ which is very similar. Selwyn Hughes (originator of Every Day wih JESUS) was Pentecostal (ELIM) once told us "" ~ When I want get through to GOD I do pray in an unknown tongue ~ but if I really want to get through to God ~ I pray in WELSH ~ Th e Language of Heaven !" Thanks for sharing ~ BRIAN
Thanks B. I've experience of tongues. I only know a tiny bit of Latin, so it's gobbledegook to me if a whole service of it! Which is what Paul said (lol). In modern words: 'If you all speak in tongues, won't visitors think you're bonkers'! I wouldn't want that in any version of the Bible though, not even a paraphrased version!
Good one once more Orchi.
Thanks G.
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