Watery Secrets.
Watery messenger flows in full spate
still rivering subtly,
each potentized remnant of dwellers
living before, now
stored, patiently suspended, waiting,
minutely and unseen,
for minds to decipher notes of lament
or joy in cellular float.
Deep-level hearers catch each hidden
sigh as those deceased
leave chromosomed a further essence
residing in river-beds
which 'though liquidized still calls with
need to be discerned.
Passing birds glance whilst wheeling
and pause as if aware,
a kingfisher stares, wren lowers head
for something more than
food -satisfaction as whispering depth
demands trills in reply.
And furrier travellers busily speeding
through sidings halt
to hear memory's chorus, stoat, vole
and clever otter detect
in watery breath symphonic echoes
of lives departed
and dive to grasp more the secreted
missives left below.
Why then can we not turn our ears,
listen for sunken lessons,
take heed and digest wisdom's fare
streaming from cells
of a yester-year's river-side people,
pick up vital experience
sunken in time and learn if we dare.
Fay Slimm. (
- Published: May 23rd, 2017 04:11
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 36
A fine write Fay.
Beautiful poem
Thanks FAY ~ this is an amazing poem musing on the murmurings of the Stream. The birds and other animals (who are totally dependent on the stream !) catch whispers of their forbears in its ripples ! These sounds we ignore when we could learn so so much of our progenitors ~ who too depended on the stream for its life giving waters and fish and watercress etc ~ than perhaps we do ! I visit Friends in rural Mexico who get their water directly from the stream through a pipe. We always boil it of course ! Carmelita & Her Family will resonate with your poem ~ Her family have relied on that stream for generations ! Yours B.
And Mr Toad ? great write Fay.
So beautiful, once again dear poet friend Fay!
This is egnimatic and serene potently effective splendid write
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