My grave


My grave 

A place where my body will rest 

Under the earth 

Feeling the patter of feet upon my bones 

Tucked away in my case 

My world trapped in one place 

No harm can for sake 

Lay flowers for me 

Light a candle in the wind

Just to let me know you love me 

Haven't forgotten me through the long waited years 

Let me admire your presence 

Inhale your scent 

Place your hand upon my grave 

To mark where you've been 

Say my name 

Softly, let me be known 

Invite me into your world 

Let me wrap around your every word 

Hear your gentle voice

Let me see your face age through the days 

If only I can touch your skin

The warmth it brings 

Manipulate your hair while it runs through my fingers 

Visit me anytime

Through any occasion or season

Watch the autumn leaves fall upon my grave 

The sunshine that will reflect on your face 

My grave will be where my body will rest 

But my soul will fly away 

My soul will be with you everyday 

  • Author: ShannonXx (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 30th, 2017 10:24
  • Comment from author about the poem: I have lost quite a lot of people through death and other reasons and writing a poem like this in first person really gave me comfort and helped me come to terms with losing people. Really hope you enjoy it
  • Category: Sad
  • Views: 48
  • Users favorite of this poem: Dodger312, alisha
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Comments +


  • P.H.Rose

    I think it is
    Very good Shannon
    It's a difficult topic
    To cover especially
    When it's about
    Yourself but you
    Have done it justice
    Well done....

    • ShannonXx

      Thank you, yes it was hard to write about but even though it was in first person I was imagining being someone who I have lost through death and writing it from their view, if that makes any sense

      • P.H.Rose

        Perfect sense!!!

      • orchidee

        A fine write S.

      • Augustus

        Wise beyond your years.

      • Hopey_xx

        Wow, very well written!

        • ShannonXx

          Thank you 🙂

        • Goldfinch60

          Very good write, this body that we live in only lasts for a blink of an eye but our Spirit goes on for eternity.

          • ShannonXx

            Thank you, yes I really believe that

          • Michael Edwards

            Beautifully written and expressed - a fine poem.

            • ShannonXx

              Thank you, greatly appreciated

            • alisha

              this is so well written, like tears are flowing out of my eyes. you are such an amazing writer keep up the good work!

              • ShannonXx

                Aww thank you 🙂

              • Rajkumar

                Well written Shannon

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